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Messages - Congratulatory Messages


Chancellor Chairman of Council Chairman of Court President Congratulatory Messages
Congratulatory Messages

It gives me great pleasure to send Hong Kong Polytechnic University our best wishes on the occasion of your 75th anniversary. The University of Warwick has had over twenty years’ collaboration with your institution in the form of our joint postgraduate programmes in Warwick Manufacturing Group and we are incredibly proud to be associated with an institution of such high calibre. As a member of your International Advisory Board, I have seen at first hand the impressive way in which you have risen to the challenge of internationalisation in the global higher education sector. As an outward-facing, cosmopolitan university, we have many affinities with Hong Kong Polytechnic University and we look forward to many years of further collaboration ahead.

On behalf of the University of Warwick, and personally, please accept our most sincere congratulations.

Nigel Thrift

Vice-Chancellor of University of Warwick

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