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Prof. Liu Yingli


Chairman Yang, University Council Members, President Tong and Honoured Guests,

I would like to wholeheartedly thank PolyU for displaying its trust in me by conferring this University Fellowship on me. May I also thank all the guests, as well as my friends and relatives for joining today's Ceremony.

My connection with PolyU was initiated soon after I started my career in Shenzhen 26 years ago. Since then I have witnessed the impressive growth of PolyU. The Institution has not only nurtured a vast pool of talents for Hong Kong, but also made remarkable contributions to the reform and opening-up of the Chinese mainland. I am most pleased to continue contributing to the development of PolyU in the future.

I have been serving the Shenzhen Municipal Government for many years, responsible for hi-technology development. The planning and construction of the Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park 15 years ago brought about the emergence of a large number of enterprises engaging in autonomous innovation. The establishment of the Shenzhen Virtual University Park 12 years ago gathered together 54 mainland and overseas tertiary institutions. Over the past three decades, hi-technology has become Shenzhen's pillar industry, while our achievement in autonomous innovation has become a showcase for the country. I am most grateful for being able to play a part in the process.

In the last three years, with the support of the Central Government, the governments of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, together with the technology, education and business sectors of both cities, have worked very hard to facilitate the establishment of the Innovation Circle. The robust progress the Circle has made owes much to the significant contribution of PolyU, which has set up facilities for the development of a state key laboratory and a base on commercialization, training and research in Shenzhen. As Chairman of the Shenzhen side of the Steering Group on Shenzhen/Hong Kong Cooperation in Innovation and Technology, I have every confidence that the Circle will continue to flourish in the days ahead. Thank you.

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Mr Victor Cha Mou Zing

Ms Fiona Cheung Sum Yu, MH

Ms Katherine Hung Siu Lin

Mr Freeman Lau Siu Hong, BBS

Mr Liu Sing Cheong, JP

Professor Liu Yingli

Mr Louis Mak Law Mo

Mr Yau Wah Yau

(in alphabetical order by name)

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