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Professor Liu Yingli


Professor Liu Yingli



Prof. Liu Yingli graduated from Jilin University of Engineering with a Master's degree in Computational Mechanics. After graduation, he joined the Shenzhen Electronics Research Institute and a renowned computer firm in Ottawa, Canada, engaging in software development. In 1992, he joined the Science and Technology Bureau of the Shenzhen Municipal Government. In 1996, he became the Deputy Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and, while assuming the role of its Director, was responsible for the planning and construction of the Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park. From 2002 to 2008, he was Vice Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Government, a member of the Government's Standing Committee and later Executive Vice Mayor.

Prof. Liu is currently Science and Technology Advisor to the Mayor of Shenzhen and Chairman of the Shenzhen side of the Steering Group on Shenzhen/Hong Kong Cooperation in Innovation and Technology. He is the only Asian Executive Member of the Board of International Association of Science Parks and Vice President of the China National Association of High-tech Parks. He is also an Adjunct Professor at a number of tertiary institutions in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.

With approximately 20 years of experience in technology management and close to 10 years in technology development, Prof. Liu has kept abreast of and witnessed the evolution of the hi-technology industry in Shenzhen. He has also played an important part in enhancing the development of the technology industry and regional innovation infrastructure. Prof. Liu has also contributed significantly to the technology collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong through actively promoting the establishment of Shenzhen/Hong Kong Innovation Circle. In addition, Prof. Liu has been very instrumental in helping PolyU to increase its presence in Shenzhen over the past decade. He has facilitated PolyU's admission to the Shenzhen Virtual University Park, making PolyU the first local tertiary institution to start the project of constructing there a base on commercialization, training and research, as well as to set up facilities for the development of a state key laboratory.

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Mr Victor Cha Mou Zing

Ms Fiona Cheung Sum Yu, MH

Ms Katherine Hung Siu Lin

Mr Freeman Lau Siu Hong, BBS

Mr Liu Sing Cheong, JP

Professor Liu Yingli

Mr Louis Mak Law Mo

Mr Yau Wah Yau

(in alphabetical order by name)

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