The PolyU University Fellowship Conferment Ceremony 2012/2013
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Dr Royce Yuen Man Chun, JP


Chairman Yang, University Council Members, President Tong and Honoured Guests,

I am standing here feeling both honoured and humbled to receive this honourable Fellowship from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The year 1997 was a special year to me. It was the year that marked the reunion of Hong Kong with its motherland China. It was also the year that I became the father of our two beautiful daughters Hillary and Sonia. And it was also the year that I started to pursue my doctorate at PolyU. Since then my life has never been the same.

I am fortunate to have been given the opportunity to serve my alma mater in different positions upon my graduation fifteen years ago and during which I have definitely earned more than I have given.

I have soon discovered that sharing knowledge and experience is one of the most gratifying experiences. Sharing knowledge is not about glorifying one’s achievement. Instead, it is a genuine walk through one’s success and failure, what has worked and what hasn’t worked so that others can pick up something that is relevant to them and be able to act wisely and responsibly.

In fact, what I teach is what I do as a profession – building brands. Brand-building is not about fabricating a story, exaggerating what a product can do or pretending to be someone that you are not. Building brand is about connecting with people with what you do in a meaningful way, not to you but to them. It is about truthfully adding value to people’s lives. In other words, a brand exists because it has a role to play.  

PolyU has been upholding its role as a cradle to nurture talents that possess great character and practical value to serve our community. I always pride myself as a member of the PolyU family and I am lucky to bear its DNA. The conferment of Fellowship today is more than an honour and recognition to me, it will become a reminder for me to continue to play a role, in whatever modest way, in the University and the community at large.

Once again, I would like to thank the University and also my family, for your unfailing trust and support. Thank you very much.


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Dr Chung King Fai, SBS

Dr Humphrey Leung Kwong Wai, JP

Dr Dennis Ng Wang Pun, BBS, MH

Ms Josephine Siao Fong Fong, MBE

Professor Wang Jianhua

Mr Alexander Woo Chung Ho

Dr Royce Yuen Man Chun, JP

(in alphabetical order of last name)

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