Distinguished Chinese scholars share insights

Distinguished Chinese scholars share insights

Under this year’s Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholars Scheme, PolyU honoured six eminent mainland scholars who are all fellows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During their visit to PolyU, these scholars engaged in knowledge sharing sessions with the University staff and students. The distinguished scholars are:

Prof. Ding Han
  • Dean of School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
  • Director of State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, HUST
Prof. Wang Huijun
  • Professor of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Director of the Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre
Prof. Xu Guanhua
  • Leader of Expert Advisory Group of the National Basic Research Programme (973 Programme)
Prof. Mei Hong
  • Vice President and Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Director of Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education (Peking University)
Prof. Huang Wei
  • President of Nanjing University of Technology
  • Chair Professor of the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme
Prof. Yang Xiurong
  • Professor of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences