
Under the 2018/19 Research Impact Fund (RIF) of the Research Grants Council, 10 PolyU-led projects were awarded a total of $65 million funding. Half of the projects are health-related, covering areas of drug development, scoliosis assessment, myopia control and food safety. This serves as a strong testimony to PolyU’s unique advantage in conducting research to enhance the wellbeing of mankind. Here are four examples:

Combating antibiotic drug resistance

Prof. Cheng Sheng has identified three compounds that can be combined with a lower dosage of the antibiotic colistin to treat Enterobacteriaceae and colistin-resistant strains, while minimising toxic side effects.

Radiation-free 3D scoliosis assessment

Prof. Zheng Yong-ping is developing a radiation-free, three-dimensional ultrasound imaging device to predict spinal curve progression, and facilitate the design of orthoses and exercises to treat idiopathic scoliosis.

RFID tracking enhances food safety

Using radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and wireless sensors, Prof. Cao Jian-nong is exploring ways to track food items and detect foul food during production, warehousing and shipping stages.

Therapies in slowing myopia progression

Prof. To Chi-ho will conduct a randomised clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of monotherapy and combined therapies (bright light therapy, myopic defocus and atropine) to control myopia development in children.
