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80 years strong 80 years strong

Towards a joyous celebration

The University will launch a dedicated anniversary website, featuring the year-long celebratory events, warm congratulatory messages from partner institutions and friends, news and publications, as well as 80 touching stories on PolyU people. Stay tuned for the updates!

A collection of new and limited-edition souvenirs, ranging from stationary, office accessories and wearables to premium gifts, has also been created. To purchase any of these, please visit the Communications and Public Affairs Office or browse the souvenir section on the anniversary website.

Carrying the core message “Proud of PolyU ‧ Proud of Hong Kong”, the year-long anniversary celebrations will feature a wide range of activities of special celebratory events, community partnership programmes, donors engagement activities, as well as knowledge and technology transfer initiatives, catering for different stakeholders, including students, staff, alumni, partnering organizations and the wider community.

Opening events

A whole day events are scheduled on 25 November to kickstart the celebrations, including the International Forum on Building Partnership along the Silk Road – Economic Cooperation and Youth Development, the Alumni Atrium Opening Ceremony, Light Dinner, 80th Anniversary Launch Ceremony and a Gala Show.

Innovation and Impact Summit

Another highlight of the celebrations will be the inaugural Times Higher Education (THE) Innovation & Impact Summit, which will be co-hosted by THE and PolyU on 31 May - 2 June 2017. With the theme “Powering universities’ economic and social impact through innovative research and teaching”, the Summit is set to attract renowned academics, innovators, industry leaders and policy makers who will explore new metrics for the impact of universities through innovative research, invention and education. For details, please visit: www.theworldsummitseries.com/innovation.

Year-round conferences, forums and lecture series

The University will also organize a rich mix of international conferences, forums and lectures series throughout the year. To name a few, international conference on Service-Learning, global leader lecture series, industry leaders event, knowledge transfer management forum and a lot more.

Alumni events

Alumni from all eight decades will be invited to return to their alma mater to meet old friends and see the current status and changes on campus through a wide array of activities, including special programmes and homecoming activities.

Gala Dinner

PolyU members and friends will be invited to join the University’s 80th Anniversary Gala Dinner as a finale of the year-long celebrations for networking and enjoying joyous programmes.

When PolyU looks back on its achievements, the University clearly sees the way ahead. There is much to be proud of the University, and together we wish to build a brighter future.