DISC lens is a multi-zone soft contact lens that provides clear vision and, at the same time, projects blurred, out-of-focus (defocused) images onto the retina to slow down excessive eye growth in myopia.
PolyU has partnered with a local company to bring a contact lens that controls myopia to the market to benefit children in need.
Myopia, otherwise known as short-sightedness, is a growing global health problem. It is expected that by 2020, as many as 2.5 billion people, or around a third of the global population, will be affected. It is worrisome from a local perspective as many Chinese school children suffer from myopia.
Relief, though, will soon be at hand, with the award-winning PolyUdeveloped Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) lens to be commercialised through a licencing agreement with Vision Science and Technology Co Ltd (VST). This company was founded by PolyU alumnus Mr Jackson Leung and supported by the HKSTP-PolyU Tech Incubation Fund and the PolyU Tech Launchpad Fund.
The DISC lens is a result of the research conducted by Prof. To Chi-ho and Prof. Carly Lam from the School of Optometry. Understanding that the myopic eyeball is too long so light entering the eye focuses in front of the retina rather than on it, the pair designed the lens to use the natural homeostasis in the eye to produce a clear image on the retina and a blurred image in front of it. The eye thus tends toward a shape into a size that allows it to receive focused images as it would with normal vision.
“Because the DISC lens uses the natural homeostasis of the eye, the wearer can avoid adverse effects from drugs and surgery”, Prof. To commented. More importantly, a two-year clinical trial showed that the lens retarded myopia progression by approximately 60% in Hong Kong school children aged 8 to 13. And crucially, the children found the lens comfortable to wear.
Optical defocus can be incorporated into widely accepted forms of contact lenses to provide clear and comfortable vision while controlling myopia. With that in mind, the team patented the technology in Australia, the Chinese mainland and various European countries.
Mr Leung was impressed by the results of the clinical trial and the support PolyU has given to start-up companies. VST will manufacture the DISC lens using silicon hydrogel, one of the most permeable materials for contact lenses and distribute it through a network of authorised optometry clinics.
“I am glad that after years of hard work, the research on the DISC lens is now bearing fruit through successful commercialisation to benefit children in need”, Prof. To said. ♦