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  • Wong, M. Y. H., & Wan, K. (2024). Group-Based Income Inequality in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Mainland Chinese Immigrants. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 59(3), 895-915.

  • Lee, M. Y. K., Wong, M. Y. H., Chan, A. K. W., Chong, E. K. M., & Cheung, L. T. O. (2024). Do people feel they belong? Socio-political factors shaping the place attachment of Hong Kong citizens. Geographical Research, 62(1), 181-193.

  • Chong, E. K., Chan, A. K. W., Wong, M. Y. H., Lee, M. Y. K., & Cheung, L. T. O. (2024). Who intended to leave? Patterns and impacts of Hong Kong's recent wave of migration. Population, Space and Place, (e2781).

  • Xie, H., Chen, J., & Wei, L. (2023). The strength of culture: Acculturation and urban-settlement intention of rural migrants in China. Habitat International, 138, 102855.

  • Gong, L., & Chen, J. (2023). Disparities in Social Insurance Participation and Urban Identification Among In-situ Urbanized Residents in China. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(3), 1269-1289.

  • Xie, S., Chen, J., & Xu, Z. (2023). Rural–urban migration and urban identity differentiation in China. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1–27.

  • Chen, J., Liu, M., Chang, C., & Wang, Y. (2023). State infrastructure and neighborhood well-being in urbanizing China. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1–17.

  • Chan, Y. W., & To, Y. (2023). In Search of a Greener Pasture? Post-2019 Migrations From Hong Kong. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0).

  • To, Y., & Chan, Y. W. (2023). Same God but Different? Politico-Religious Dynamics and the New Hong Kong Christian Diaspora in the United Kingdom. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0).

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