Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Computing (62037-FAI/PAI)

Frequent Asked Questions
1. Is credit transfer possible? What are the criteria for consideration?
You may apply for credit transfer for your previous study at postgraduate level. The subjects to be transferred should attain a normal performance grade (i.e. a minimum of grade B is expected).
The validity period of subject credits earned is eight years from the year of attainment, i.e. the year in which the subject is completed, unless otherwise specified by the department responsible for the content of the subjects (e.g. if the credit was earned in 2011/12, then the validity period should count from 2012 for eight years). Credits earned from previous studies should remain valid at the time when the student applies for transfer of credits.
Students can transfer a maximum of 50% of the total award requirement. Students admitted in or before 2018/19 academic year are allowed to transfer other Master level non-Computing subjects as electives up to 20% of the total award requirement (also counted towards the 50% upper limit for total credits to be transferred). This is subject to approval of the Programme Leader.
If the previous postgraduate subject was from PolyU and bear the same subject code, the credit transfer once approved will carry the grade. For previous study not with PolyU, the grade of transferred subject will not be counted towards GPA calculation. The final discretion will be with the programme leader.
2. I understand there are two types of credit transfer. What are they and how do they work?
The first type is subject-to-subject matching, where we will compare the syllabus of our subject with that of the subject you studied. The second type is known as block credit transfer, which would allow you to transfer up to 6 credits.
3. Is there a maximum number of credits to be transferred?
You can transfer up to 50% (i.e. 15 credits for MSc award) of the total programme requirements. It is inclusive of all kinds of transfer.
4. How do I apply?
Submit online application (AR41c), together with respective transcript and syllabus, via eStudent system. Application should be normally submitted before the start of semester.
1. If I want to take dissertation, when is the appropriate time?
Students should have completed not less than 15 credits of study in the registered programme. Full-time students who have completed 9 credits of study may consider taking dissertation from the second semester of their study.
2. What is the duration of doing dissertation?
This will normally be completed within a 2-semester period.
3. What is the procedure of taking dissertation?
Students who would like to take dissertation should first register for the subject during the subject registration exercise. They should then complete the “Form of Confirmation” with supervisor’s signature and return to the General Office before the end of add/drop period of each semester.
Upon the deadline specified (usually around the 6th week of each semester), students are required to submit the initial project proposals taking reference from the "Dissertation Proposal Submission Form". By the end of that particular semester, students will submit the progress report on their project.
Students are advised to submit their first draft of dissertation to respective supervisors for comments before formal submission to the supervisor, co-examiner and panel chair on the specified deadlines (under cover of the "Dissertation Submission Form"). A presentation session will be arranged for each student.
4. During the course of doing dissertation, what sort of forms I need to submit for the dissertation?
Students are required to download and submit the forms according to dissertation submission schedule:
i. Form of Confirmation
ii. Dissertation Proposal Form
iii. Dissertation Progress Report
iv. Turn-it-in report
v. Certificate of Originality
5. What is the procedure/format of dissertation?
After assessment, the student must submit an Electronic Version of his/her final dissertation for archival purpose and for future online access by others. References should be presented alphabetically, using the reference citation format for academic journal papers, conference papers, research reports and books in an internationally accepted format used by the discipline in which the study lies. The electronic copy should be Adobe Acrobat (5.0 or above) ‐ PDF format with the "Fast Wrap View" feature.
The MSc award is subject to the submission of this electronic copy of the final version of the dissertation to the department general office within ONE month from the date of assessment. Students should enclose the followings when submitting the copies of dissertation: Turn‐it‐in report regarding the dissertation, and the soft copy of the dissertation, associated development work and system program (source code + documentation) if applicable. Students should also include a signed “Certificate of Originality” in their dissertation.
Your dissertation assessment will not be finalized and confirmed until you satisfy the above requirement. If you failed to do so, that will affect your award completion.
6. Should I find the dissertation supervisor myself or the department will allocate the supervisor to me?
Students should approach their potential supervisors for topics information and agreement to guide the students in preference for registering the dissertation regarding their area of interest. The dissertation topic can be freely discussed among students and academic staff. Students may select a research interest from the Research Interest List and approach the corresponding academic staff directly to formulate the topic.
7. Should I need to do presentation after the submission of dissertation?
Yes. A presentation session will be arranged for each student. Normally, the presentation panel will consist of the supervisor, co-examiner and panel chair. The presentation will be normally held after the submission of final draft of the dissertation at a specific deadline. The venue of the presentation will be subject to the availability of the supervisor, the student and the co-examiner. Students are required to fix this up with their supervisor after the submission of final draft of dissertation.
8. After I take the dissertation, what is the communication channel between my supervisor and me?
If students’ supervisors are PolyU staff, the main communication channel amongst them will be by email.
9. What things should I do for the presentation?
Students should consult their supervisors regarding the presentation formats. They are normally required to prepare PowerPoint slides related to their dissertation and present it in front of the assessment panel. After doing presentation, the supervisor/ co-examiner/ panel chair will ask questions related to the presentation content and students need to answer their questions in return. In general, the presentation will last for about 1 hour.
1. I do not have an undergraduate degree but am member of a professional association and would like to apply for your MSc Programme. Do I fulfill your entrance requirements?
Candidates without formal tertiary qualification may be considered if they have substantial and relevant working experience of 3 years or more. Please attach relevant information including any professional qualifications or trade and training certificate with your application.
2. I need to be away from Hong Kong for a prolonged period of time and cannot continue with my studies. What can I do?
You can apply for zero subject enrollment on a per-semester basis via eStudent system. Subject to the approval of the Department, a retention fee (currently is HKD2,105 per semester and this fee is subject to review and change) for reservation of study place will be charged. The semester during which you are allowed to take zero subject will be counted towards the maximum period of registration.
Another option is to apply for deferment of study under exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness.) This is also subject to the approval of the Department. If you are very unsure about when you can resume the study, you are advised to withdraw from the programme. Resumption of study, however, is not automatic and you will have to go through normal procedures for admission and credit transfer, if applicable.
3. I would like to take 3 taught subjects in the coming semester. Do I need to seek approval?
You may take up to 21 credits as long as quotas are available during the add/drop period.
4. Can I re-register after de-registration?
You may apply to be re-admitted to our MSc programme after a waiting period of not less than ONE academic year. It is subject to approval of the Department.
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