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Prof. CHENG Ran

Prof. CHENG Ran

Associate Professor, Presidential Young Scholar (joint appointment with COMP)

BSc (Northeastern), PhD (Surrey)


Prof. Ran Cheng received his BSc degree from Northeastern University, China, in 2010, and his PhD degree from the University of Surrey, U.K., in 2016. Before joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he was an Associate Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology, China.
His research focuses on advancing Computational Intelligence to tackle modeling and optimization challenges in complex systems. His primary research interests include evolutionary computation and representation learning, with an emphasis on developing efficient and scalable computational methods.
Prof. Cheng is the recipient of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award (2019), the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award (2018, 2021), the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Outstanding Paper Award (2020), and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Outstanding Early Career Award (2025).

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • BSc (Northeastern)
  • PhD (Surrey)

Research Interests

  • Computational Intelligence
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Representation Learning

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