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Prof. Houduo Qi
PolyU Scholars Hub

Prof. QI Houduo

Professor (joint appointment with AMA)

BSc (Peking); MSc (Qufu Normal University); PhD (CAS)


Prof. Qi joined The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2022. Previously, he worked as Professor of Optimization at The University of Southampton (UK). Prof Qi was awarded a BSc in Statistics by Peking University in 1990, MSc in Operational Research by Qufu Normal University in 1993, and PhD (1996) in Operational Research and Optimal Control by The Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been actively working on optimization-related research for over 25 years and has been working on a number of projects funded by various agencies including HK-RGC, Australian Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of UK, The Royal Society, and industries. His research interests are matrix optimization and its applications, embedding methods in data science, and portfolio optimization. He published widely in top journals on optimization and IEEE transactions.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Operational Research (1996), Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • MSc in Operational Research (1993), Qufu Normal University
  • BSc in Statistics (1990), Peking University

Research Interests

  • Numerical Optimization
  • Embedding Methods in Data Science
  • Portfolio Optimization

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