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Drop Your Tools: A FOCUSED Approach to Learning to (Un)learn


There comes a time when our life is not following the trajectory we had planned or that our ideas stall and we soon find ourselves “stuck” in the heat of battle (unable to move). At these trying times, we have a tendency to cling on to our past habitual practices, our visions of the world shrink, and we oversimplify the complexity of the situation. In moments like these: DROP YOUR TOOLS and unlearn! This 2022 ETTE Symposium sharing session is designed to help you renew your perspectives at the crossroads. Grounded on solid scientific research, and a 3-year $HK9.7M UGC funding to better prepare the next generation of thought-leaders for a complicated world, we showcase how a (counterintuitive) pedagogical innovation has the power to open up the alternatives to our toughest learning & development roadblocks. To get the most out of the session, please visit the project homepage (https://www.focused-polyu.com/ ) and reflect on how you would use the “F.O.C.U.S.E.D.” framework to solve your current predicament.