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Promoting interaction in a hybrid classroom


Interaction is viewed as an essential component and powerful predictor of effective distance, blended and hybrid learning (Arbaugh & Rau, 2007). Student-teacher and student-student interactions in online learning environments have been associated with greater achievement of learning outcomes (Bernard et al., 2009), stronger feelings of social presence (Ice et al., 2007), higher course satisfaction (Ku et al., 2013) and more motivated learners (Williams et al., 2006). The need for interaction is even more imperative in language-learning contexts. However, due to the nature of many online learning environments, effective interaction is one of the most challenging elements to integrate into blended learning pedagogy.

In this presentation, three instructors from the English Language Centre will share their ideas on how to create a more interactive learning environment for hybrid teaching based on their experiences teaching English-language classes at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Semester one of 2021-22. These ideas will cover the flipped classroom approach, the use of MS Teams and online digital tools. Implications and the extent to which this pedagogy can be applied to other learning contexts will be discussed.