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Experience the Hybrid and Interactive Learning in a CAVE-based Immersive Environment






The increasing availability of immersive technologies including virtual reality and mixed reality offer new opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning. These technologies facilitates educators to enhance student learning by creating a realistic, risk-free, purposely built scenario in a virtual world environment. PolyU has recently set up a full immersive 6-sided CAVE system named “Hybrid Interactive Virtual Environment” (HIVE) for teaching. The HIVE introduces an innovative concept of integrating a 30-student general teaching classroom with a CAVE system, which allows users to switch from a physical lecture mode to a virtual reality mode in a minute. This visit to the HIVE allows participants to enjoy the demonstration of 360-degree panoramic videos on fire safety training, a walk-through of the digital model on design and construction training, and an interactive virtual reality exercise on health training.