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A Conversation with Riel Miller and Julia Chen on Redefining excellence: Futures literacy, learning, and meaning


Join Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s 2023 Symposium for a conversation with Riel Miller on the theory and practice of conscious human anticipation. An exploration of the diversity of reasons and methods for imagining the future and the implications of a paradigm shift in ‘using-the-future’ for knowledge and learning systems. An exploration of: a) why the mono-culture of colonizing the future renders ‘wisdom communities’ inconceivable and unattainable; b) ‘what it might take to break learning out of its industrial era prison by changing conceptions of time, agency, value, security, and meaning; c) ‘the collapse of industrialism and the liberation of learning – towards futures literate diversification’; and d) ‘excellence without hierarchy – imagining the conditions for heterarchy’.