See the current policies and guidelines on the following topics:

Academic Regulations
Learn about the rules and regulations governing the conferment of academic awards, from admission and enrolment to assessment and award classification, from the following documents maintained by Academic Registry (AR):

Quality Assurance
Find out how programmes and courses are developed and managed from the following documents maintained by the AR:
- Handbook on PolyU's Quality Assurance Framework, Mechanism and Processes
- Guidelines and Regulations for Programme Planning, Validation and Management
- Handbook on Planning, Approval and Management of Continuing Education Courses
- Guidelines on the Departmental Review System for Academic Departments
Other QA related guidelines:
- Guidelines for Collecting and Using Student Feedback (LTC, 2012)
- Developing a Programme LOAP: A Simple and Practical Guide for PolyU Staff
- A Practical Guide on Using Institutional Surveys and Data Sources for Annual Programme Review

Curriculum Design
PolyU programmes are outcome-based and the implementation of outcome-based education (OBE) is fully integrated into the quality assurance process. In addition, PolyU also defines institutional learning outcomes for each study level, which serve as one of the key references for programme design:
- Learning Outcomes for Higher Diploma Programmes (2018)
- Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Degree Programmes (2020)
- Learning Outcomes for Taught Postgraduate Programmes (2009)
- Learning Outcomes for Research Postgraduate Programmes (2018)
- New institutional learning outcomes for various levels of study from 2025/26

Teaching and Learning
In addition to the general principles of OBE and active learning, the University also issues occasional supplementary policies and guidelines to further enhance teaching and learning. The current ones include the following:
- Teacher Handbook
- Quality Standards for Online Teaching
- Policy on the use of technology-enhanced active learning approaches in large classes (LTC, 2016) (To be updated)

Assessment and Academic Integrity
PolyU’s assessment policy is part of the University’s academic regulations, which are detailed in the Handbook on Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes maintained by the AR. Other supplementary guidelines include:
- Guidelines for the Implementation of Criterion-Referenced Assessment
- Guide on Conducting Online Invigilated Examinations and Take-home Examinations (AR, 2020)
For the policy on promoting academic integrity, please refer to the following documents issued by the LTC:

Teaching Evaluation
Find out how teaching evaluation is conducted at PolyU from the following handbook maintained by the Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC). It also contains operational guidelines on Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) and peer review.