We are delighted to announce that Dr. MOK Ho Kit, ABCT PhD graduate under the supervision of Prof. Terence LEE, has received the FS Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2021/22.
The FS Outstanding PhD Thesis Awards Scheme aims to recognize the outstanding PhD students in the Faculty of Science for the high quality of their theses produced during their studies at PolyU.
Dr. MOK’s research focuses on the understanding of the molecular mechanism for the development of acquired resistance to multiple-kinase inhibitors in liver cancer. His winning thesis, entitled “Cholesterol biosynthesis: A critical determinant of cancer stemness and drug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma?” covered the original work on the identification of the potential therapeutic approaches for improving cancer treatment via targeting cholesterol biosynthesis in liver cancer cells.
Dr. MOK’s thesis has demonstrated novelty, originality and significance in treatment of liver cancer, which ranks the fifth most common cancer in Hong Kong. The results and findings from this research work have directly contributed to three high-impact factor journals as first author as well as two presentation awards in research symposia both locally and internationally.
Let’s us take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. MOK for his achievement and honor.
The FS Outstanding PhD Thesis Awards Scheme aims to recognize the outstanding PhD students in the Faculty of Science for the high quality of their theses produced during their studies at PolyU.
Dr. MOK’s research focuses on the understanding of the molecular mechanism for the development of acquired resistance to multiple-kinase inhibitors in liver cancer. His winning thesis, entitled “Cholesterol biosynthesis: A critical determinant of cancer stemness and drug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma?” covered the original work on the identification of the potential therapeutic approaches for improving cancer treatment via targeting cholesterol biosynthesis in liver cancer cells.
Dr. MOK’s thesis has demonstrated novelty, originality and significance in treatment of liver cancer, which ranks the fifth most common cancer in Hong Kong. The results and findings from this research work have directly contributed to three high-impact factor journals as first author as well as two presentation awards in research symposia both locally and internationally.
Let’s us take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. MOK for his achievement and honor.