- M1037
- +852 2766 7078
- qiang.wu@polyu.edu.hk
- Personal Website
Professor Qiang Wu is a full professor and Associate Head for Research at the School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Professor Wu has a broad research interest in accounting and finance. His research topics include tax avoidance, earnings quality, corporate governance, debt contracting, CSR, ESG, NLP, and gender and ethical issues. Professor Wu has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, and 13 of them have appeared in several premier journals, including Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Business Ethics, and Research Policy. Professor Wu’s works have also been widely cited by both academia (more than 6,000 Google citations) and major business media, including Bloomberg, CNBC, WAMC, Reuters, Dow Jones Newswires, AICPA, Accounting Today, AAA, CFO Magazine, Catalyst, Bankrate. Professor Wu currently is the Editor-in-Chief of China Accounting and Finance Review (ABDC “A”), an editor of Journal of International Accounting Research (ABDC “A”), an editor of Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (ABS 3), an associate editor of Journal of Financial Stability (ABS 3), and an associate editor of Advances in Accounting (ABDC “A”).
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
- Master of Arts, The Johns Hopkins University
- Doctor of Philosophy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research Interests
Research Output
- “Common Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk” Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming, with Shenglan Chen, Hui Ma and Hao Zhang
- “Organizational Capital and Bank Loan Contracting” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming, with Anna Danielova, Bill Francis and Haimeng Teng
- “Does Gender Affect Innovation? Evidence from Female Chief Technology Officers”, Research Policy, 2021, 50 (9), November issue, with Wassim Dbouk, Iftekhar Hasan, Nada Kobeissi and Li Zheng
- “Do Activist Hedge Funds Target Female CEOs? The Role of CEO Gender in Hedge Fund Activism” Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, July issue, 141(1): 372-393, with Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Victor Shen
- “Innovation and Corporate Tax Planning: The Distinct Effects of Patents and R&D” Contemporary Accounting Research, 2021, Spring issue, 38 (1): 621-653, with Agnes Cheng, Guo Peng and Chia-hsiang Wen
- “Does Social Capital Mitigate Agency Problems? Evidence from Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Compensation” Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, 133 (2): 498-519, with Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang
- “Community-Based Social Capital as An Antecedent of Corporate Social Responsibility” Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, 152(3): 647-665, with Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang
- “Does Social Capital Matter in Corporate Decisions? Evidence from Corporate Tax Avoidance” Journal of Accounting Research, 2017, 55 (3): 629-668, with Iftekhar Hasan, Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang
- “Auditor Quality and Debt Covenants” Contemporary Accounting Research, 2017, 34 (1): 154-185, with Ashok Robin and Hao Zhang
- “Social Capital and Bank Loan Contracting” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017, 52 (3): 1017–1047, With Iftekhar Hasan, Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang
- “Gender Differences in Financial Reporting Decision-Making: Evidence from Accounting Conservatism” Contemporary Accounting Research, 2015, 32 (3): 1285–1318, with Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Jong Chool Park
- “Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Effect of Corporate Tax Avoidance on the Cost of Bank Loans” Journal of Financial Economics, 2014, 113(1): 109-130, with Iftekhar Hasan, Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang
- “Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Associated with Tax Avoidance? Evidence from Irresponsible CSR Activities” The Accounting Review, 2013, 88 (6): 2025-2059, with Stan Hoi and Hao Zhang