Prof. Boby KONG Lingbao
Full Professor, Director, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Ultra-Precision Optical Manufacturing, Fudan University
Doctor of Philosophy (2010)
Professor Kong received his BEng and MEng degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology, and PhD degree from PolyU. Currently a Full Professor and the Director of Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Ultra-precision Optical Manufacturing of Fudan University, Prof. Kong has been engaged in ultra-precision optical manufacturing and measurement for nearly 20 years.
He has published over 170 research papers in various refereed international journals and conferences, and delivered countless keynote speeches and talks. As an active young researcher, Prof. Kong has secured project funding from a good many research organisations including National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key R&D Program of China.

Professional Trilingual Host
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Enterprise Engineering and E-Business (2008)
After graduating with a BSc in Enterprise Engineering and E-Business from PolyU in 2008, Ms Wong went on to obtain an MSc in Economics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2009. After spending a few years leading multinational biopharmaceutical giants and in the fast moving consumer goods sector, she started pursuing her passion by volunteering as an event presenter. With her talent and years of experience, she is now a trusted professional trilingual event presenter who has hosted more than 1,000 events, collaborating with numerous international brands, government bodies, and Fortune 500 companies.
Ms Wong is also keen on giving back to the community with her professional skills. Not only was she a winner in the Hong Kong Award for Young People, but also served as the Chapter President of JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, a global youth leadership development organisation. Under her leadership, her chapter extended their community impact beyond Hong Kong amid the challenging pandemic. She also volunteers as a master of ceremonies and a speaking coach for NGOs and schools, inspiring and empowering more than 150 young people in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan to be confident and eloquent speakers. Also an advocate of pet adoption who cares about animal welfare, Ms Wong regularly sponsors animal-related organisations.