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Dr Kathy LENG awarded Asian Young Scientist Fellowship 2024

27 Aug 2024


Dr Kathy Kai LENG, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Physics, has been awarded a prestigious 2024 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship (AYSF) for her ground-breaking research on molecularly thin two-dimensional hybrid perovskites.

The AYSF aims to encourage talented young scientists in Asia to conduct innovative research in three fields: “Life Science,” “Physical Science,” and “Mathematics and Computer Science”, selecting 12 recipients each year from the Asia-Pacific region and providing a two-year research grant of USD100,000 to the recipient’s home institution.

Being the first scholar to isolate the 2D hybrid perovskite monolayers and uncover their novel physical properties, Dr Leng stood out from a highly competitive pool of candidates to win this award. Dr Leng expressed her deep gratitude for the honour, stating that she looks forward to exchanging ideas and collaborating with top young scientists across Asia, leading her team to further breakthroughs in flexible microelectronics and spintronic device applications.

Dr Leng has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, such as the Asia Pacific TR35 Award from MIT Technology Review, the Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Award and the Early Career Research Gold Award from the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry, which have affirmed her outstanding contributions to the field of physical science.

應用物理學系助理教授冷凱博士憑藉分子厚度二維雜化鈣鈦礦領域的開創性研究,榮獲 2024 年亞洲青年科學家基金項目(Asian Young Scientist Fellowship)嘉許。

亞洲青年科學家基金項目旨在鼓勵和支持亞洲優秀青年科學家在「生命科學」、「物理科學」和「數學與電腦科學」三大領域進行創新研究。每年從亞洲甄選 12 名得獎者,並向其所屬機構提供期兩年共 10 萬美元資助,以支持他們的科研工作。冷博士是首位精準可控分離單層二維雜化鈣鈦礦的學者,並從眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,獲取該項殊榮。冷博士深感榮幸獲此殊榮,表示期望與亞洲頂尖年輕科學家交流合作,帶領團隊在柔性電子及自旋電子器件應用方面作進一步突破。

冷博士已獲得多個著名的研究獎項認可,包括《麻省理工科技評論》亞太區「35 歲以下科技創新 35 人」、裘槎基金會裘槎麥德華前瞻科研大獎和新加坡國家化學研究會早期職業研究金獎,肯定了她在物理科學領域的傑出貢獻。

Press release: English | Chinese

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