On 15 April 2023, as part of the APSS 50th Anniversary series of celebratory events, the APSS Graduates Association (APSSGA) successfully organised a Movie Screening and Fundraising event. The event, which also included a ‘Director Sharing Session’, was held at THX Premiere Elements. Over 200 APSS alumni, students, and colleagues came together to watch the award-winning movie “A Light Never Goes Out”. The director, Ms Anastasia TSANG, joined us after the film to share about the background that inspired her to produce this remarkable film. The film and the sharing session were well received by the audience.
All proceeds from this fundraising event will go to the APSSGA Hardship Fund (APSSGA Award). The Award will be established to support APSS students with financial difficulties. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who generously donated to this meaningful cause. Donations to the APSSGA Award can be made at the following website: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/apss/about-apss/giving-to-apss/.
More exciting events are in the pipeline to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of APSS. Stay tuned for further announcements!