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Winners of the Annual Best Final-Year Dissertation Award Competition (2015) for CIB Student Chapter of HKPolyU

19 Nov 2015

Distinction Award Winner (Undergraduate Division) M r HO Man Lai (left) and his Dissertation Supervisor, Dr Daniel CHAN (middle)

Merit Award Winner (Undergraduate Division) Mr CHAN Kit San (left) and his Dissertation Supervisor, Dr Johnny WONG (middle)

Distinction Award Winner (Postgraduate Division) Dr LAW On Kay, Angel (second from left) and her Dissertation Supervisor, Prof Al bert CHAN (second from right)

Merit Award Winner (Postgraduate Division) Dr YANG Yang (left) and her Dissertation Supervisor, Prof Albert CHAN (midd le)

Group Photo with the Chairman of Student Chapter Co mmittee of CIB, Prof Francis WONG (second from left, front row) and Committee Members of CIB Student Chapter of HKPolyU

Undergraduate Division
 Award Type
Name of Student
Dissertation Supervisor
Distinction Award
Mr HO Man Lai
Dr Daniel W.M. CHAN
Merit Award
Mr CHAN Kit San
Dr Johnny K.W. WONG


Postgraduate Division

 Award Type
Name of Student
Dissertation Supervisor
Distinction Award
Dr LAW On Kay, Angel
Prof Albert P.C. CHAN
Merit Award
Dr YANG Yang
Prof Albert P.C. CHAN

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