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Research Collaboration Beyond Boundaries

1 Feb 2017

Dr. Patrick Fong, our Associate Head (Partnership)and Associate Professor,has been working with one of our visiting scholars, Prof. Li Ying for research collaboration from the perspective of knowledge management since June 2016.


With a wealth of expertise in the arena of ‘Knowledge Management’,Dr. Fong takes a leading role in  Prof.  Li’s sub-project on  the  literature of Dai, Wa, Jing po  Cross-border  Ethnic  Groups(傣族、佤族、景頗族文學研究成果資料集成)funded  under  major projects  from  the  National  Social  Science Foundation(國家社科基金重大招標項目).  This sub-project aims at preserving these   ethnic   minorities’ culture, literature, language and architecture in a comprehensive way to facilitate the sharing and connection with other like-minded researchers across the globe.


Prof.  Li  Ying is  currently a professor in the School of Ethnic Minorities Culture(民族文化學院) at Yunnan Minzu University(雲南民族大學)  and has successively won funding from the  National Social Science Foundation for  her  major  researches,  the  latest one of which is the above-mentioned sub-project led by Dr. Fong.

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