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New joiner – Dr Wang Xiaoyou

Dr Wang Xiaoyou obtained her B.S. Degree (2015) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, M.S. degree (2018) from Tongji University, and Ph.D. degree (2021) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to joining PolyU as a Research Assistant Professor, Dr Wang worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at PolyU in 2022. Dr Wang's current research interests include structural health monitoring and damage detection, statistical learning, Bayesian inference, and probabilistic machine learning.   Dr Wang has joined us on 1 Dec 2022.

1 Dec, 2022

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New joiner – Dr Liu Kai

Dr Liu obtained his Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in 2021. He graduated with his Master’s degree from City University of Hong Kong in 2014 and earned his dual Bachelor's degrees at Wuhan University and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in 2009. He had six years of experience in site investigation, laboratory tests of soil and rock, and consultancy in mainland China, Hong Kong, and abroad. He also had one year of experience as a postdoctoral fellow after graduation from PolyU. Dr Liu’s main research interests include development of apparatus, experimental study, constitutive modelling, numerical modelling, and unsaturated soils.   Dr Liu has joined us on 1 Dec 2022.

1 Dec, 2022

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CEE Job Interview Training Workshop

CEE Job Interview Training Workshop was successfully held on 18 Nov 2022 (Friday). 19 CEE students received recruitment guidance from HR professionals and 12 mock interviews were conducted by CEE alumni with personalised advice offered. We would like to express our gratitude to the mock interviewers: Ir Ricky Chi-pan Wong, JP (Head of Civil Engineering Office, CEDD) and Mr Kenny KM Lok (Co-Founder, EnviPro Technology). Special thanks to the support of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Civil & Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA).

1 Dec, 2022

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PolyU 85th Anniversary Appreciation Dinner

The PolyU 85th Anniversary Appreciation Dinner was held on 25 Nov 2022.  It was our great honor to have invited the following guests to join the CEE table. Middle photo back row from left : Dr Raymond Cheung (Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office, CEDD), Ms Jenny Yiu (Chief Operating Officer, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited), Ms Grace Kwok (Chairman and Executive Director, Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited), Prof. Chi-sun Poon, Head(CEE),  Mr Ricky Wong (Head of Civil Engineering Office, CEDD) and Ir Prof. Choy Siu Chung, Adam (Director – Structural of Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd).  

29 Nov, 2022

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PolyU CEE Webinar Series: Infrastructure applications of fibre-reinforced polymer composites

Prof. Yu Tao delivered a seminar with the topic of “Infrastructure applications of fibre-reinforced polymer composites” on 23 November 2022. It was co-organized with HKIE Civil Division.

29 Nov, 2022

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SHKP x PolyU Carbon Activated Concrete

Prof. Chi Sun Poon’s research team is sponsored by Sun Hung Kei Properties (SHKP) to develop novel low-carbon concrete carbon technologies by utilizing waste carbon dioxide to activate cement so as to lower the carbon emission during concrete production.

28 Nov, 2022

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CEE PhD Graduates Awarded NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas) for Year 2022

Congratulations to the following PhD graduates for receiving the “Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Overseas)” for Year 2022. This prestigious award recognizes the significance and excellence of their performance in research field. Name Current Post Year of Graduation Dr Lin Guan Assistant Professor (College of Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology) 2016 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. JG Teng) Dr Tan Daoyuan Research Assistant Professor (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PolyU) 2019 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. JH Yin) Dr Chen Wenbo Research Assistant Professor (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PolyU) 2019 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. JH Yin) Dr Wang Yanshuai Assistant Professor (College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University) 2018 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. JG Dai) Dr Yu Kequan Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering, Tongji University) 2019 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. JG Dai) Dr Hou Rongrong Associate Professor (Harbin Institute of Technology) 2019 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. Y Xia) Dr Tham Yee Jun Associate Professor (School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University) 2017 PhD Graduate (Supervised by Prof. T Wang)

23 Nov, 2022


28th Congregation in 2022

The 28th Congregation (2022) was successfully held on 16 Nov 2022 (Wed). It was a great honor to have Mr Fong Hok-shing, Michael, JP, Director of Civil Engineering and Development of CEDD, and Ir Edmond Wong, President of Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA), to celebrate this special occasion with the graduates together.   Congratulations to all our graduates of 2021/22 academic year in achieving an important milestone in their life! We wish them every success in their future endeavors and hope them will play vital roles in the civil and environmental fields to make contributions for the betterment of mankind.

23 Nov, 2022

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Prof. Anthony Chen’s AET Research Being Selected as the MOST POPULAR Paper in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (Impact Factor: 10.047)

Congratulations to Prof. Anthony Chen for his research output “An Evaluation Framework of Automated Electric Transportation System” being selected as the “most popular” paper from the last 3 years in the respectable journal Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.   According to Journal Citation Reports 2021, Transportation Research Part E ranks 6/381, 3/138, 3/87 and 4/37 in the fields of economics, civil engineering, operations research & management science and transportation, respectively.

15 Nov, 2022

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Best Conference Paper Award” from the 13th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety

Congratulations to Daniyar Kurmankhojayev, Dr Li Guoyuan, and Prof. Anthony Chen for winning the “Best Conference Paper Award” given by the 13th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS) 21-24 August 2022.

15 Nov, 2022

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