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SHI Ying

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong                                                   Nov. 2012- Dec. 2020

Doctor of Philosophy in History                                                                            Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong                                                   Aug. 2010- Nov. 2012

Master of Philosophy in History                                                                            Hong Kong

Beijing Normal University                                                                    Sep. 2006- Jun. 2010

Bachelor of Arts in History                                                                                         Beijing



Instructor                                                                                                         Jan. 2023-

Confucius Institute of Hong Kong , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University          Hong Kong

  • ŸTeaching as an instructor of a General Education courses for undergraduate students:

    FH2CN06P Women and their Everyday Life in Imperial China

    FH2CM03P Cultural History of The Eastern Silk Road

  • ŸConduct the outbound General Education courses in mainland China:

    FH2CN06N Women and their Everyday Life in Imperial China           Hang Zhou

    FH2CM03M Cultural History of The Eastern Silk Road                      Xi’an

  • ŸParticipate and support the promoting activities of Confucius Institute of Hong Kong:

The 7th CIHK Day                                               Hong Kong


Visiting Fellow                                                                                   Aug. 2021- Dec. 2022

Department of Chinese and History , City University of Hong Kong                  Hong Kong

Teaching as instructor of 6 courses in 3 semesters for the “history and cultural heritage” major students and general education, including:

  • ŸCore courses of history and cultural heritage stream
    CAH2536 Intangible Heritage and Indigenous Culture
    CAH2840 Late Imperial and Modern China
    CAH3548 Critical Approaches to Cultural Heritage
  • ŸSelective course of history and cultural heritage stream
    CAH3524 Western Cultural Heritage
    CAH4853 History of Chinese Historiography
  • ŸGeneral education
    GE1101 Chinese Cultural Heritage in Modern Perspective


Teaching assistant

Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong:                           Hong Kong

HIST4308B/5511C, Christianity, Politics and Local Culture in East Asia,    Jan. - May 2014

HIST4303PS, 明清社会变迁与早期全球化                                               Sep. - Dec. 2013

HIST3113, 中国科举制度的社会史研究                                                   Sep. - Dec. 2012

HIST4313 Chinese History in the Field                                                       Sep. - Dec. 2011

  • Ÿ Organize fieldtrips
  • Ÿ Conduct tutorials
  • Ÿ Build the course website
  • Ÿ Support the daily operation of the course



    Frontier history of Southwest China, especially the topics of ethnic group, ethnic identity, local politics, borderland society and economic activity.



    The Chinese University of Hong Kong                                                           Feb. - Jul. 2018

    Student Research Assistant (part-time)                                                                Hong Kong

  • Ÿ Collect and study documents for the project of Prof. Qiu Pengsheng “Commerce and Politics from the Mid-Eighteenth to the Mid-Nineteenth Century in an Upper Yangtze City—Chongqing”, #14607917, RGC General Research Fund, 2017-2018 ”.

    Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University                   Nov. - Dec. 2015

    Research Assistant (part-time)                                                                            Guangzhou

  • Ÿ Study and organize the documents of Prof. Liang Fang Zhong in 1940s

    Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University                   Sep. - Nov. 2012

    Visiting Scholar (part-time)                                                                                Guangzhou

  • Ÿ Doing research on the ethnic group of Southern Sichuan China







    Stuck in the Middle? The Third Middle Period China Humanities Conference (220-1600)


  • Ÿ Conference paper and group discussion Yale University, New Haven
    “Salt and Ethnic Politics: Social Transition of Southwest China in 10-16th Century”


    The 4th地方档案与文献Research Conference                        Nov.2018

  • Ÿ Conference paper and oral presentation Qufu


    The 3rd 两岸历史文化研习营“晋城:中国社会的长程历史”               Aug. 2013

    (held by Peking University and Taiwan Academia Sinica)                                        Jin Cheng

  • Ÿ Do fieldwork with senior scholars
  • Ÿ Collect local documents and oral historical information
  • Ÿ Participate in seminars


    “The Historical Anthropology of Chinese History” Project Mid-term Conference Aug. 2011

    (held by the Centre for Historical Anthropology CUHK, funded by Area of Excellence Scheme, University Grants Committe, Hong Kong SAR. )

  • Ÿ Conference paper and oral presentation Hong Kong


    The 9th 史人类学高级研修班                                         Aug. 2011

    (held by Peking University , Sun Yat-Sen University, Xiamen University and CUHKGuizhou

  • Ÿ Conference paper and oral presentation


    帝国管理体制下的华北卫所与边疆卫所比较研究” Workshop               Dec. 2010

    (held by Peking University , Sun Yat-Sen University, and CUHK)                  Sichuan

  • Ÿ Doing fieldwork with worldwide scholars
  • Ÿ Collect local documents and oral historical information
  • Ÿ Participate in seminars


    The 8th 历史人类学高级研修班                                         Aug. 2010

    (held by Peking University , Sun Yat-Sen University, Xiamen University and CUHKShan’xi

  • Ÿ Doing fieldwork with senior scholars
  • Ÿ Collect local documents and oral historical information
  • Ÿ Participate in seminars


    “宋明以来的谱牒编纂与地域社会” Research Conference                Nov.2009

    (held by Huixue Research Centre of Anhui University)                                                    Hefei

  • Ÿ Conference paper and oral presentation



    The Chinses University of Hong Kong studentship of Doctor of Philosophy in History


    The Chinses University of Hong Kong studentship of Master of Philosophy in History


    3rd Class award of Beijing Normal University“京师杯”Research Project Competetion 2009

    2nd Class award of “白寿彝”史学论著奖                                 2009

    (Presented by Department of Hisotory, Beijing Normal University)

  • Ÿ Author of《来自民间的历史重建——贵州贾、周二家族移民心态史研究》

    Outstanding undergraduate research project of Beijing Normal University     2008-2009

  • Ÿ group leader of 《教化与明清帝国在西南边疆的经营——以贵阳地区为例》

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