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CNERC-Rail Key Members became IEEE Fellows — Prof. Hwa-yaw Tam and Prof. Eric Cheng

3 Feb, 2020


The 3rd International Workshop on Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete (SSC) Structures Reinforced with FRP Composites

On January 11 and 12, 2020, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) was the host of the 3rd International Workshop on Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete (SSC) Structures Reinforced with FRP Composites (SSC Workshop). Over 200 students and scholars from across China and around the world came to attend the SSC Workshop over the two days.   CAS Academician and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) President Teng Jinguang chaired the organizing committee, with the Department of Ocean Science and Engineering (OSE) Chair Professor Chen Jianfei & PolyU Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Professor Yu Tao working together as vice-chairs. The SSC Workshop was co-sponsored by the PolyU Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, PolyU CEE, and OSE at SUSTech.   More details can be found in    

11 Jan, 2020



中國振動工程學會科學技術獎是經國家科學技術獎勵工作辦公室批准設立的全國振動工程技術科技成果獎,每年評選表彰一次。 2019年, “大型風敏感設施風振預測及其控制精細理論、關鍵技術及應用” 等3個項目獲得一等獎,“極端環境下多孔介質耗能機理及減振降噪應用研究” 等5個項目獲得二等獎。段元鋒,倪一清,應祖光和陳勇的 “橋樑及建築結構隨機振動智能磁流變控制理論與方法基礎研究” 榮獲2019年度中國振動工程學會科學技術獎二等獎。

8 Jan, 2020


香港理工大學成功承辦 ”第三屆中國高速鐵路健康管理技術論壇”

21 Nov, 2019



6 Nov, 2019



25 Oct, 2019


倪一清教授受邀出席2019中國國際軌道交通和裝備製造產業博覽會 · 株洲論壇

19 Oct, 2019


China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) Visits CNERC-Rail

On 22 August 2019, Mr. Zheng-feng Zhang, Chief Commander of Chang’e V and Dean of China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), and Mr. Pei Zhang, Researcher and Senior Engineer, Department of Integrative System Design, led a group to visit CNERC-Rail. Mr. Yang Lu briefly introduced CNERC-Rail's recent research achievements to them, and accompanied them to visit our laboratory. Photos of this visit:

22 Aug, 2019

Senior staff appointment and promotion — Professor Ni Yiqing as Chair Professor of Smart Structures and Rail Transit

Congratulations on Prof. Yi-qing Ni's appointment as Chair Professor of Smart Structures and Rail Transit commencing on 1 July 2019!    More details can be found at

1 Jul, 2019


Chairman and members of PolyU Council visits CNERC-Rail

1 Jun, 2019

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