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PolyU ranked 91st in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022

12th in Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2021, and 23rd in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021

8 Sep, 2021

Dr. Wang Sumei as RAP

Staff appointment and promotion — Dr. Wang Sumei as Research Assistant Professor

Congratulations on Dr. Su-mei Wang's appointment as Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering commencing on 1 September 2021! 

1 Sep, 2021



7月29日上午,由湖南省人民政府主辦,湖南省科技廳承辦的2021年“港洽週”專題活動——湖南—粵港澳大灣區科技創新融合發展對接會在深圳舉行。湖南省人民政府副省長何報翔出席會議並致辭。 深圳市科技創新委員會黨組成員、一級巡視員邱宣,香港城市大學深圳研究院副院長陳俊鐸,香港知識產權交易所主席吳高林,香港青年創業協會秘書長王凱,中國(深圳)綜合開發研究院公共經濟研究所執行所長汪雲興,湖南省人民政府副秘書長陳獻春,湖南省科技廳黨組書記、廳長童旭東,湖南省商務廳黨組副書記譚平,湖南省人民政府駐深圳辦事處主任熊方平,湖南省科技廳二級巡視員吳桂賢參加會議,會議由湖南省科技廳黨組成員、副廳長、一級巡視員魯先華主持。 會上簽訂了6項戰略合作協議,其中包括了國家先進軌道交通裝備創新中心與香港理工大學國家軌道交通電氣化與自動化工程技術研究中心(香港分中心)關於開展面向軌道交通振動發電自供能係統應用研究的戰略合作協議。國家先進軌道交通裝備創新中心總工程師楊穎和香港理工大學博士後研究員王素梅和香港理工大學深圳研究院總裁陳綺東出席了簽約儀式。楊穎和王素梅博士分別代表國家先進軌道交通裝備創新中心和香港理工大學上台簽約。 我國軌道交通體量大、品種多,覆蓋時速100-350公里不同速度等級,包含高溫高寒、風沙等各種複雜運行環境,且具有長距離、大運量高速持續運行的特點。開發新型的基於無線傳感的結構健康監測技術,對於保障車輛運行安全具有十分重要的意義。然而,傳統的電池式無線傳感器存在使用壽命有限,體積大,複雜的線路佈置以及潛在的環境危害等弊端,基於自供電技術的無線通訊和嵌入式控制系統的無線傳感網絡技術在國內處於空白,是世界性的“卡脖子”難題。能量採集技術可將周圍環境中的振動能量轉換為可利用的電能,能有效地實現無線傳感網絡節點的自我供電,打破無線傳感網絡節點長期處於免維護運行狀態的技術瓶頸。項目針對軌道交通列車結構振動的低頻、寬帶和時變等特點,研發基於“多穩態非線性-機械升頻-運動放大-複合化採集”技術的小型化高性能軌道車輛振動能量收集方案及相應的振動能量採集器結構,構建自供電的列車結構健康監測系統,及時掌握車輛結構在全服役週期的健康狀態,填補我國軌道交通運營狀態的自供電智能化監測的國內空白,助推建設軌道交通裝備世界級產業集群高地。香港理工大學國家軌道交通電氣化與自動化工程技術研究中心(香港分中心)利用在振動發電自供能係統的技術積累和學術優勢,提供關鍵技術數學模型和理論模型,用於開展技術理論分析和產品研發。國家先進軌道交通裝備創新中心利用軌道交通領域技術積累和技術優勢提供振動發電自供能係統的現場實驗和工程驗證支持。 會後香港理工大學國家軌道交通電氣化與自動化工程技術研究中心(香港分中心)研究助理教授王素梅博士接受了湖南省科技廳新聞中心採訪,介紹了雙方的合作研究和項目的研究內容。

29 Jul, 2021

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New Chinese Patent:Image analysis system and apparatus for track detection (一种适用于轨道检测的影像分析系统和装置) — Dr. S.M. Wang & Prof. Y.Q. Ni

Congratulations to Prof. Yi-Qing Ni and Dr Wang Su-mei, a member of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail). They have received a patent certificate issued by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), PRC, together with TransHigh Structure/Civil Engineer Office (捷高结构土木技师事务所). The new patent is called "Image analysis system and apparatus for track detection (一种适用于轨道检测的影像分析系统和装置)".  More details of the patent can be found at  

18 Jun, 2021


PolyU ranked 66th in the QS World University Rankings 2022

12th in Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2021, and 23rd in Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021

9 Jun, 2021

ITB visit

Innovation and Technology Bureau visits CNERC-Rail

Mr. Alfred Sit Wing-hang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, the Government of Hong Kong SAR, led a delegation team to visit CNERC-Rail and Railway Corner in Industrial Centre on 20 May 2021. The Delegation Team was warmly welcomed by PolyU President Professor Jin-Guang Teng, Executive Vice President Dr Miranda Lou, Ir Chair Prof. Y. Q. Ni, Director of CNERC-Rail, together with center members. The delegation team consisted of: Mr. Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology Dr. David Chung, Under-Secretary for Innovation and Technology Ms. Rebecca Pun, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Mr. Arthur Au, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Ms. Fiona Au, Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Mr. Jeffrey Chim, Administrative Assistant to Secretary for Innovation and Technology Ms. Jessie Wong, Press Secretary to Secretary for Innovation and Technology Ms. Lillian Cheong, Political Assistant to Secretary for Innovation and Technology Mr. Sammy Chan, Researcher Ms. Eva Shum, Researcher The following senior engineers from Hong Kong Government also joined this visit: Ir John Kwong, Head of Project Strategy and Governance Office, Development Bureau Ir Michael Leung, Project Manager, East Development Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department Ir Tommy Cheung, Assistant Secretary of Project Strategy and Governance Office, Development Bureau Photos of this visit:

20 May, 2021


New Chinese Patent:A superelastic shape memory alloy-based self-centering coupling beam (一种基于超弹性形状记忆合金的自复位连梁) — Prof. Songye Zhu

Congratulations to Prof. Songye Zhu, a Key Member of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail). He received a patent certificate issued by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), PRC on 9 March 2021. The new patent is called "A superelastic shape memory alloy-based self-centering coupling beam" (一种基于超弹性形状记忆合金的自复位连梁).  More details of the patent can be found at  

9 Mar, 2021

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New Chinese Patent:A rail crack monitoring system using fiber optic based ultrasonic guided wave detection technology (一种基于光纤超声导波技术的铁轨裂纹监测系统) — Prof. Y.Q. Ni

Congratulations to Prof. Yi-Qing Ni, the Director of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail) for receiving a new patent certificate issued by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), PRC. The new patent is called "A rail crack monitoring system using fiber optic based ultrasonic guided wave detection technology" (一種基於光纖超聲導波技術的鐵軌裂紋監測系統).    More details of the patent can be found at  

2 Mar, 2021


New Chinese Patent:A tunable low-frequency wave energy converter (一种低频且频率可调的浮子式波浪发电装置) — Prof. Songye Zhu

Congratulations to Prof. Songye Zhu, a Key Member of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail). He received a patent certificate issued by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), PRC on 23 February 2021. The new patent is called "A tunable low-frequency wave energy converter" (一种低频且频率可调的浮子式波浪发电装置).  More details of the patent can be found at  

23 Feb, 2021


New Chinese Patent:Electromagnetic apparatus for generating negative stiffness and method of vibration control (用于产生负刚度的电磁设备和振动控制的方法) — Prof. Songye Zhu

Congratulations to Prof. Songye Zhu, a Key Member of Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (CNERC-Rail). He received a patent certificate issued by National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), PRC on 12 January 2021. The new patent is called "Electromagnetic apparatus for generating negative stiffness and method of vibration control" (用于产生负刚度的电磁设备和振动控制的方法).  More details of the patent can be found at  

12 Jan, 2021

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