- All in-class eSFQ should be administered by administrative/support staff assigned by the department.
- The teaching staff concerned should be absent from the room/hall during the eSFQ exercise.
- The administrative/support staff responsible for conducting the eSFQ in class must clearly tell the students the following information before conducting the in-class eSFQ:
– On which staff member(s), subject and part(s) of teaching the students are providing feedback
– Purpose of the SFQ, in particular:
- PolyU collects student feedback regularly for teaching and learning improvement purposes
- Overall SFQ results will be considered in staff performance appraisal
- Students’ participation and feedback is anonymous to their teachers and will not affect their grades
- Student feedback will be made available to their teachers only after the exam results are finalised
– Instructions to doing the eSFQ:
- Log in to the eSFQ system (www.polyu.edu.hk/esfq/student) using their mobile device
- Click/tap on the appropriate form(s) for the subject/teacher(s)
- Spend 5-10 minutes to complete the form(s)
- Ask those students without access to a mobile device to complete their eSFQ as soon as they have access to a computer or mobile device (no spare mobile devices will be provided to the students during the in-class eSFQ exercises)
– Time allowed for the in-class eSFQ exercise
- If there is more than one form to be completed for the same subject/class, please allow sufficient time for the students to complete all the eSFQ forms.
- During the in-class eSFQ exercise, the administrative/support staff can use a mobile device to check the response rate via the eSFQ system (www.polyu.edu.hk/esfqadmin) if they wish to do so.

Using the PolyU In-class eSFQ instructions PowerPoint slides
There are two versions of the standardised PowerPoint presentations: one with audio instructions and one without (the contents of the two versions are exactly the same). Remarks on using the individual slides are given in the PowerPoint files. In particular, note the following points when using the files:
PolyU in-class eSFQ instructions (with audio instructions)
- Make sure the projector, the speakers on the computer and in the classroom/lecture hall are on prior to running the slide show. Please contact ITS Hotline at 2766 6302 for support on how to use the AV/IT equipment in the general teaching classrooms and lecture theatres.
- The slides and the audio instructions will be played automatically when the slide show is run.
[Download the PowerPoint slides with audio instructions. English version Chinese version ]
PolyU in-class eSFQ instructions (without audio instructions)
- Make sure the projector, the speakers on the computer and in the classroom/lecture hall are on prior to running the slide show. Please contact ITS Hotline at 2766 6302 for support on how to use the AV/IT equipment in the general teaching classrooms and lecture theatres.
- Give verbal instructions as appropriate.
- The slides will not be played automatically when the slide show is run.
[Download the PowerPoint slides without audio instructions. English version Chinese version]