About Us
The Engineering Entrepreneurship Club aims to engage undergraduate students in global robotics contests, construct robots designed to address challenges in the industrial sector and promote entrepreneurial initiatives.
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International Competitions
In EEC, we recruit new members every year to participate in international underwater robotic competitions.
International Competition (MATE)
The MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) ROV (Remotely-Operated-Vehicle) Competition is an annual global event that attracts participants to create underwater robots (known as Remotely Operated Vehicles or ROVs).
Participants construct a manually-controlled ROV to complete tasks that simulate real-world submarine operations, such as deploying a Float unit to measure ocean depth or activating sprinklers.
International Competition (SAUVC)
The SAUVC challenges participant teams to build an AUV which can perform given tasks. These tasks are simulations of tasks operational AUVs would have to be able to perform.
Training Workshops
Industrial Projects
Other Activities