Full Subject List
- ENGL1002 Introduction to the Study of Language
- ENGL1003 Introduction to English-Speaking Cultures
- ENGL1004 Communication Skills at Work
- ENGL1A13 Language Breakdown from Infancy to Adulthood
- ENGL1A15 The Secret Language of Success
- ENGL1A25 Effective, Task-Oriented Professional Communication
- ENGL1A27 Workplace data literacy and communication
- ENGL1A26 To Fare Well in the Workplace with English
- ENGL1BN04 Language and Society in Europe
- ENGL1CN06 Languages in a Globalising World
- ENGL1CN22 Around Europe in Thirteen Weeks: A Critical Review of European Culture through its Films
- ENGL1FN17 The Art of Debate: Mastering Arguments to Help You Defeat Your Opponent
- ENGL1HN11 Multilingual Societies: Hong Kong and Beyond
- ENGL2000 English for Effective Communication
- ENGL2001 English for Professional Communication
- ENGL2002 English for Academic Communication
- ENGL2003 English for Advanced Academic Writing
- ENGL2004 Analysis of English Pronunciation
- ENGL2005 English Lexis and Semantics
- ENGL2006 Analysis of English Grammar
- ENGL2007 Work-Integrated Education
- ENGL2008 Elementary Spanish I (CEFR A1 I) (more information)
- ENGL2009 Elementary Spanish II (CEFR A1 II) (more information)
- ENGL2012 Elementary French I (CEFR A1 I) (more information)
- ENGL2013 Elementary French II (CEFR A1 II) (more information)
- ENGL2014 Elementary German I (CEGER A1 I) (more information)
- ENGL2015 Elementary German II (CEGR A1 II) (more information)
- ENGL2016 Language in Social Contexts
- ENGL2A10 Communicating effectively in the workplace
- ENGL2A12 Confidence in Speaking English
- ENGL2A16 Understanding communication between Patients and Health Professionals in Health Settings
- ENGL2A21 Critical Thinking in Medicine and Health
- ENGL2BN02 New Media: New Meanings
- ENGL2BN03 Exploring Language in Social Life
- ENGL2CN20 The Power of images: Advertising, Art, and Culture
- ENGL2CN23 Does Cinderella wear Prada or Zara? – Fashion and the World in Short Stories
- ENGL2S01 Language Arts for Creative Community Projects
- ENGL3002 Research Methods for Language Studies
- ENGL3003 English Discourse in the Professions
- ENGL3004 English for Technical and Web-based Writing
- ENGL3006 Corpus-driven Language Learning
- ENGL3008 Fundamentals of Organisational Communication
- ENGL3010 Intercultural Communication in Business
- ENGL3011 Content Design for Social Media
- ENGL3012 Creative Writing in New Media
- ENGL3013 Approaches to Professional Language Training
- ENGL3014 Literature in English: An Introduction
- ENGL3016 Intermediate Spanish I (CEFR A2 I) (more information)
- ENGL3017 Intermediate Spanish II (CEFR A2 - II) (more information)
- ENGL3018 Teaching English as a Service Learning Experience
- ENGL3019 Fundamentals of Media Communication
- ENGL3020 Aspects of European Public Discourse
- ENGL3023 Introduction to European Visual Art
- ENGL3027 Anglophone and Francophone (Post) Colonial Literature
- ENGL3029 The Language of Advertising
- ENGL3030 Introduction to the History of Europe: a Trade Perspective
- ENGL3031 Language and Intercultural Communication for the Professions
- ENGL3032 Intermediate French I
- ENGL3033 Intermediate French II
- ENGL3034 Intermediate German I
- ENGL3035 Intermediate German II
- ENGL3036 Solving Crime through Linguistics
- ENGL3037 English for Technical and Web-Based Communication
- ENGL3038 Discourse Analysis
- ENGL3039 European Sociolinguistics
- ENGL3040 Language Matters: Navigating Social Issues through Linguistic Inquiry
- ENGL3041 Travelling in Europe through Signs and Space
- ENGL4001 English for Management
- ENGL4002 English as a Global Lingua Franca
- ENGL4003 Capstone Project for Language Studies
- ENGL4004 Effective Communication for Public Relations
- ENGL4005 English for Science and Technology
- ENGL4007 Multimodal Analysis of Advertisements
- ENGL4008 Intercultural Communicative Competence
- ENGL4009 Meaning in Professional Interaction
- ENGL4011 Advanced English Grammar
- ENGL4013 Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics
- ENGL4014 Literature in English: An Advanced Course
- ENGL4015 Designing Courses for TESOL
- ENGL4017 Critical Language and Cultural Studies
- ENGL4018 Language and Gender
- ENGL4019 English Text & Images
- ENGL4020 Capstone Project for Language Studies
- ENGL4021 Clinical Linguistics
- ENGL4022 Quantitative Literacy for Language Professionals
- ENGL4023 Advanced Spanish I
- ENGL4024 Advanced French I
- ENGL4025 Advanced German I
- ENGL4026 Language and social data analytics
- ENGL4027 Integrated Capstone Project
- ENGL5003 Popular culture and English
- ENGL5004 Corpus linguistics for Professional Communication
- ENGL5005 Language and Literacy Development for Young Learners
- ENGL5006 Oral Language Arts
- ENGL5007 Multimodality & Semiotics Studies
- ENGL5008 Introduction to the Sound System of English
- ENGL5009 Aspects of the Sound System of English
- ENGL5011 Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers
- ENGL5012 Research Project in Language Studies
- ENGL5014 Genres in Contexts
- ENGL5015 A Pragmatic Approach to Communication
- ENGL5016 Pragmatic Disorders
- ENGL5017 The Sociology of Language: Social and Economic Perspectives
- ENGL5018 Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
- ENGL5019 Multimodality and Professional Communication
- ENGL5031 The Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching
- ENGL5034 Language and Crime
- ENGL5035 The Ethical Context of Generative AI
- ENGL5036 Corpus Linguistics and AI
- ENGL5037 AI-Powered Language Analysis and Communication Strategies
- ENGL510 Analysis of Contemporary English III (Discourse and Pragmatics)
- ENGL511 English as an International Language
- ENGL512 Analysing Professional Discourse
- ENGL518 Research Design and Methods
- ENGL519 Discourse Analysis
- ENGL520 Critical Language and Cultural Studies
- ENGL523 Second Language Learning
- ENGL526 Testing and Assessment
- ENGL539 English Semantics and Lexis
- ENGL540 Analytical Perspectives in English Grammar
- ENGL542 Language Development and Use
- ENGL543 English Literature and Language Arts
- ENGL545 Multimedia in English Language Learning
- ENGL548 Field Studies in Discourse for Language Professionals
- ENGL554 Drama for Language Learning
- ENGL560 Analysis of Contemporary English I (Phonology and Lexical Studies)
- ENGL561 Practical Communication Strategies I
- ENGL562 Communication
- ENGL563 Analysis of Contemporary English II
- ENGL564 Practical Communication Strategies II
- ENGL567 Discourse and Management
- ENGL568 Intercultural Communication in Business
- ENGL580 Research Project
- ENGL582 Second Language Teaching
- ENGL585 Syllabus Planning and Materials Design
- ENGL587 Research Project
- ENGL597 Aspects of English-speaking Cultures
- ENGL599 Functional Grammar for English Language Teachers
- ENGL6002 Communication Strategies in Research Contexts in English
- ENGL6004 Advanced Oral Skills for Research Students
- ENGL6005 Writing Research Articles
- ENGL6006 Functional Text Typology: Register Variation in Institutional Contexts
- ENGL6007 / ENGL6013 Research Seminars I
- ENGL6008 / ENGL6014 Research Seminars II
- ENGL6009 / ENGL6015 Research Seminars III
- ENGL6011 Practicum I
- ENGL6012 Practicum II
- ENGL6016 Advanced Academic English for Research students: Publishing and Presenting
- ENGL6816 Guided Study I
- ENGL6817 Guided Study II
- ENGL6818 Guided Study III