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Our Departments / Schools
In keeping with PolyU's mission of "Academic Excellence in a Professional Context," the Faculty continually monitors and responds to health, social and professional trends to produce high-calibre graduates and cutting-edge research that contribute positively to society's well-being by applying best practices and theory. New academic programmes and research projects are created and existing ones adapted to take into account the ever-changing nature of knowledge, society and the workplace. We offer a wide spectrum of postgraduate, undergraduate and sub-degree programmes that are accredited by local and international professional bodies.
Fieldwork/clinical training is a fundamental feature of our programmes to enable integration of knowledge imparted by formal teaching with the practical and interpersonal skills required in real work environments. In addition to our on-campus clinics and facilities, we have established extensive relationships with external health care, medical, social welfare and human services organizations where students can gain valuable hands-on experience in their fields.
The Faculty's academic staff also actively engage in research and scholarly activities to underpin their teaching and contribute to the advancement of their particular areas of expertise.