Research Excellence

Improving carrier mobility in two-dimensional semiconductors with rippled materials
An interdisciplinary team led by Dr YANG Ming of the Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, recently developed an approach to realize record-high carrier mobility in the 2D semiconductor MoS2. In the study, Dr Yang and his team members showed that by conforming to bulged substrates, the rippled structures could be introduced in the 2D MoS2, which not only leads to an increased intrinsic dielectric constant of MoS2, but also can effectively suppress the phonon scattering. By using this method, they have demonstrated two orders of magnitude enhancement in room-temperature mobility in rippled MoS2 for the first time. These findings have been published in an internationally renowned journal Nature Electronics. Dr Yang’s research has deepened the understanding of tuning carrier mobility in 2D semiconductors and shed light on developing a broad range of high-performance electronic and optoelectronic devices.
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最近,由理學院應用物理學系楊明博士帶領的跨學科團隊針對這個課題取得了重大的突破。該團隊發現利用彎曲基底,在二維半導體(二硫化鉬)中引入彎曲的結構,可增加二維半導體内稟的介電常數,并有效地減弱室溫下的聲子散射,從而實現了室溫下超高的載流子遷移率。這項研究刊載於國際知名期刊《Nature Electronics》。楊博士及其合作者的研究不單加深了人們對二維半導體載流子遷移率的認識,同時為開發高效能的二維半導體電子器件、二維光電器件等,提供了重要的參考依據。