In the capacity as Director of IHERD, Prof HU would lead the promotion and support of the University’s educational research and pedagogical innovations, and help enhance the capacity of the University as a forward-looking thought leader that could contribute to the future development of higher education in the region and beyond.
Prof HU’s research areas include Mathematical Psychology, Research Design and Statistics, and Cognitive Psychology. As an active researcher, Prof HU has secured significant research grants from various funding agencies, including the US National Science Foundation, US Institute for Education Sciences, US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, US Army Research Laboratories and US Office of Naval Research. Alongside Prof HU’s international exposure is his good connections with the Chinese mainland. He was appointed Professor and Dean of the School of Psychology in the Central China Normal University on a visiting basis for more than half a decade.
Sincere gratitude must be directed to Ir Prof Arthur F.T. MAK, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Engineering in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, for his contribution during the period as Interim Director of IHERD as well as Interim Director of ERC which ceased on the same day Prof HU reported duty.