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Translational Startup Postdoc Programme

The Translational Startup Postdoc Programme (“the Programme”) aims to foster research-based entrepreneurship and empower recent doctoral graduates to become “Technopreneurs”- individuals who combine technological expertise with entrepreneurial skills to commercialise research output and create impact on society.

The Programme is open to recent doctoral graduates from across the global who possess a strong passion and vision for commercialising research technologies through startup ventures.

Backed by the extensive resources and network of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”) and Mainland Translational Research Institutes (“MTRIs”) of PolyU, the structured programme provides a competitive remuneration package and support to Postdoc candidates (“Postdocs“) in exploring diverse application scenarios and translating their research outcomes into real-world impact.

Join our briefing sessions and know more! Sign Up NOW!

9 Oct 2024 (Thu) / 13:00 - 14:00 

21 Oct 2024 (Mon)/17:00 - 18:00 

  1. Annual remuneration package up to HK$348,000
  2. Research funding for prototyping and testing (a maximum of HK$50,000 per year)
  3. Support for traveling and participation in outreach activities
  4. Free workspace at InnoHub (PolyU or Shenzhen) and Mainland Translational Research Institutes


  • Dual mentorship – academic and industrial
  • Comprehensive entrepreneurship development support provided by KTEO, PolyU
  • Connection to investor and industry network
  • Pipeline to funding schemes or incubation programmes of PolyU or other incubators

Other funding opportunities from the Government and University, if applicable, include:

  • PolyVenture Micro Fund - maximum HK$120,000 funding, and further HKSTP Incubation support up to HK$1.3 million
  • PolyU Angel Fund - Matching grant up to HK$1.5 million
  • PolyU Entrepreneurship Investment Fund - Equity Investment up to HK$4 million through co-investment model

**Details about the benefits and support, please refer to the handbook of the programme which is available in the "Download Area".


1. Eligibility

  • Potential Academic Supervisor: Candidate shall identify at least one full-time academic staff member at PolyU (research assistant professor or assistant/associate/ professor and above) to be his/her academic supervisor(s) and have their written consent.

    Applicants can visit to search for suitable academic supervisors.


  • Doctoral Degree Attainment: Upon the application submission date, candidates attained a doctoral degree for no more than five years. Alternatively, candidates who will attain their doctoral degrees within next six months are also eligible.


  • Determination to Commercialise Research Outcomes: Candidates should demonstrate a strong determination and commitment to translating the research outcomes into practical applications through startup ventures.


  • Entrepreneurial Passion and Experience: Candidates should possess ambition to lead the business as CEO or COO. Preference will be given to candidates with past or current entrepreneurial experience, indicating their familiarity with the challenges and opportunities of running a startup.


  • Applied Research Capabilities: Candidates should showcase excellent applied research capabilities, demonstrating their ability to conduct impactful research in their respective fields with track record.


2. Project Proposal’s Requirements

  • Research Focus Areas: To guarantee that the research and technology developed by Postdocs possess practical application potential and effectively bridge the gap between lab technologies, industry needs, and mass market opportunities, the project proposal submitted by the Postdocs should align with the key research focus areas specified by PolyU Mainland Translational Research Institutes (MTRI) and aim to address global challenges. Details about the MTRIs please visit

  • Technology Readiness Level: Candidates should submit a comprehensive proposal that includes innovation at Technology Readiness Level 3 or above, meaning it has been completed laboratory tests and providing explicit evidence of the feasibility and viability of their proposed innovation or technology. 

Key Research Focus Areas

For the latest information on MTRIs, please refer to the website:

Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)

Aerospace (航空與航天)/ Aerospace Information (航天資訊)

Advanced Manufacturing (先進製造)

Biomedical Pharmaceuticals (生物醫藥)

Biomedical Sensing Precision Technology (生物醫學傳感精密技術)

Cultural Tourism (人文旅遊)

Carbon Composites and Their Applications (碳複合材料及應用)

Data Information Technology (數據信息科技)

Food Science and Technology (創新食品)

Flexible Electronics (柔性電子)

Grand Canal National Culture and Tourism (大運河國家文化與旅遊)

Green Smart Manufacturing (綠色與智能製造)

Green Chemistry and Sustainable Catalysis (綠色化學與可持續催化)

Internet of Things (人工智能物聯網)

Intelligent Robotics and Mechatronics Integration (智慧型機器人與機電一體化)

Industrial Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization(工業人工智慧與數字化)

International Hotel High-End Services and Cultural Tourism (國際酒店高端服務及文旅)

Life and Health (生命健康)

Light Source Research (光源研究)

Medicine Development (藥物研發)

Medical and Beauty Technology (醫療美容技術)

Marine Science (海洋工程装备)

Microelectronics (微電子)

Micro and Nanotechnology (微納米技術)

New Energy (新能源)

New Materials (新材料)

Petrochemicals (石油化工)

Smart Cities(智慧城市)

Smart Construction (智能建造)

Smart Transportation (智能交通)

Spatial Computing and Imaging (空間計算與影像)

Science and Technology Innovation Services and Policies Research (科創政策)

Textile and Apparel Technology (紡織科技)

Ultra-Precision Manufacturing (超精密製造)

Visual Health (視覺健康)


Problem Statements 


Mainland Translational Institutes

Problem Statements

Name of Professor


PolyU-Daya Bay Technology and Innovation Research Institute

In the traditional glass molding industry, graphite is commonly used as a mold material. However, graphite faces challenges such as low durability, powder shedding, and soft texture. There is an urgent need to develop a mold material with high hardness, good compressive strength, excellent durability, and no powder shedding. This new material should also be cost-effective and easy to shape, making it a viable replacement for graphite molds.

Dr Ruan Haihui

(Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering)


In the semiconductor industry, certain electrode applications require high-frequency currents. These types of electrodes have specific requirements for electrical conductivity. Traditional electrode materials such as metals and graphite struggle to meet these demands. There is a need to develop an electrode material with controllable electrical conductivity, high durability, and excellent corrosion resistance to fulfill these application requirements.

Dr Ruan Haihui

(Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering)


PolyU-Nanjing Technology and Innovation Research Institute


Current aerial manipulation robots mostly combine UAVs with serial or parallel mechanisms. However, inherent structural designs limit their performance and task adaptability. Moreover, the dynamic coupling between the robotic arm and the UAV can cause motion interference, making operational stability difficult to maintain. These issues are key constraints on the performance of aerial manipulation robots. Therefore, to develop reconfigurable aerial manipulation robots with high task adaptability are desired.

Prof. Dan Zhang

(Chair Professor of Intelligent Robotics and Automation)


Robotics revolutionized the manufacturing industry by saving costs, improving product quality and working conditions. However, traditional parallel robots offer tailored performance. Generalized parallel manipulators with high performance need to be designed. To develop new methodologies for more robust, and adaptive robotic systems; examine ways to improve performance in terms of stiffness, workspace and adaptability are desired.

Prof. Dan Zhang

(Chair Professor of Intelligent Robotics and Automation)


Glaucoma is an optic neuropathy that can lead to blindness if left untreated. The existing anti-glaucoma drugs focus on lowering intraocular pressure (IOP), but there is an urgent need for drugs with novel entities that also provide neuroprotection and anti-inflammation.

Dr. Thomas Lam

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry) /

Dr. Chi Wai Do

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry)


Glaucoma treatment is lifelong, and developing innovative drug delivery systems, such as sustained release delivery systems and implantable devices, is essential for improving treatment efficacy and patient compliance.

Dr. Thomas Lam

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry) /

Dr. Chi Wai Do

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry)


[Myopia treatment] By 2050, about half of the world's population is expected to have myopia. High myopia is a serious eye condition with no approved and safe pharmaceutical treatment. This growing public health concern necessitates urgent attention and innovative solutions to address the increasing prevalence of myopia and its associated complications.

Dr. Thomas Lam

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry) /

Dr. Chi Wai Do

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry)


[Dry eye Treatment] Globally, over 334 million individuals are suffering from dry eye disease. The lack of lasting solutions has led many to endure ongoing discomfort and a diminished quality of life. This widespread issue highlights the urgent need for innovative solutions to alleviate symptoms and improve the overall well-being of those suffering from this condition.

Dr. Thomas Lam

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry) /

Dr. Chi Wai Do

(Associate Professor, School of Optometry)


PolyU-Wuxi Technology and Innovation Research Institute


Robust and precise localization is essential for the autonomous system with navigation requirements. However, the performance is significantly degraded in challenging urban canyons with numerous moving objects such as Hong Kong. To ensure accurate navigation service for autonomous systems in urban areas, adaptive multi-sensor integrated solutions that enhance performance in diverse urban areas are needed. Autonomous companies such as Huawei Technologies and Meituan Drones would be interested in this innovation to integrate into their system. The potential market value for autonomous navigation solutions in China could reach up to RMB 43.9 billion by 2025, according to TaiBo Intelligence Unit.

Dr. Weisong Wen

(Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)


Keeping high definition (HD) maps up to date is crucial for fully autonomous driving. However, updating HD maps can be costly and time-consuming due to expensive sensors on map update vehicles and the huge manpower to maintain the maps. To enhance the quality of large-scale HD maps in real-time, vehicle-infrastructure collaboration that updates maps without costly manpower is needed. Mapping companies like Baidu Maps and NavInfo would find these solutions valuable for updating large-scale HD maps with minimal labor. According to TaiBo Intelligence Unit, the potential market value in China for large-scale HD mapping could reach up to RMB 2 billion by 2025.

Dr. Weisong Wen

(Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)


Programme Structure

The normal period of the programme is 2 years counting from the commencement date. The initial appointment is for 12 months, with an extension of an additional 12 months, subject to the result of the performance review at the first-year end.

  Programme structure 3




  • *The postdocs may opt for the academic track after Year 1 if research commercialization is not feasible. The academic supervisor shall secure funding support for the postdocs who wish to follow the academic track.
  • The Intellectual Property (IP) generated within the Programme period is owned by PolyU or co-owned by PolyU and MTRI, governed by the Policy on Ownership of Intellectual Property and Regulations on the Management of Intellectual Property of PolyU.
  • The products and services developed through this Programme for commercialisation must not infringe any third party’s IP rights, as declared by the Startup Postdoc.
  • Licensing agreement shall be signed with PolyU and/or MTRI when the Startup Postdoc establishes a start-up and starts commercialisation(Licensing fee shall apply, including but not limited to upfront and royalty fee).
  • PolyU will take stock option of the start-up established by the Startup Postdoc. 
 **Details please refer to the handbook of the programme which is available in " Download Area".


Application Deadline

31 October 2024 (Thu), 1:00 pm

One-to-one Consultation

Mid- November 2024

Final Assessment

December 2024

1. Research Technology Impact & Market Potential: 25%

2. Technology Readiness/ Feasibility : 15%

3. Commercialisation Plan : 15%

4. Academic & Research Capability: 15%

5. Business/ Commercial Acumen: 15%

6. Coachability/ Open-mindedness: 15%

Application Deadline: 31 October 2024 (Thu) 1pm

Complete an online application and upload the following documents on or before the application deadline:

  1. A 15-slide PPT in English (please refer to PPT Guidelines in Section G.3 of the handbook);
  2. CV of the applicant;
  3. A copy of identity document;
  4. A copy of academic & professional qualification certificates;
  5. Academic supervisor nomination proof;
  6. Declaration of "Use of PolyU Knowledge/Innovations/Technologies" duly signed/endorsed by PolyU academic staff, if applicable. (The form is available on the Translational Startup Postdoc Programme web page under the section "Download Area".) ;
  7. A copy of reference letters (optional)


*Note: All applicant shall secure the nomination of a PolyU academic supervisor upon application submission.



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