An indoor positioning app that uses BIM technology to position the user within the building; and positioning of all the objects captured on the smartphone camera. Information of the object (position, object name, id, material, etc.) can be displayed to the user. The positioning system makes full use of existing smartphone sensors, cloud-based AI and AR technology to achieve meter level positioning accuracy. The startup provides a complete software-based (only smartphones are required) and accurate (1m level) positioning in the indoor environment.
Team Member(s)
Max Jwo Lem Lee (Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)
Li-Ta Hsu (Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)
Weisong Wen (Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)
Hoi Fung Ng (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Josua Wing Hei Chan (Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering)