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MHRC in Collaboration with University Health Service to Refer and Recruit Research Subjects

The Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) will collaborate with the University Health Service (UHS) of PolyU in providing client referral services and subject recruitment support for MHRC projects and initiatives. The UHS established a Mental Wellness Clinic in September 2016 to support the mental health needs of students and staff of PolyU. Since its establishment, the Clinic has supported around 1,400 cases and more than 7,000 consultations. About 80% service users are students, who mainly report issues of anxiety and depression. Learn more:

20 Oct, 2022

MHRC feature story

Get to know more about the Director of MHRC via his feature story in PAIR Newsletter – Issue 3

According to the World Health Organization, there is “no health without mental health”. Mental health—a state of well-being in which a person realises his/ her potential, effectively copes with life stresses, works productively, and contributes meaningfully to the community—has gained increasing awareness in academia and society in recent decades. Mental health research helps inform strategic direction and interventions for the promotion of mental health. To this end, higher education institutions around the world have joined together to establish new research units.

8 Sep, 2022

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Congratulations to Dr Georg Kranz on being conferred the title of “Presidential Young Scholar”!

We are pleased to announce that Dr Georg Kranz, member of MHRC, Assistant Professor (Occupational Therapy) at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, has been conferred the title of “Presidential Young Scholar” for a period of three years commencing 1 July 2022. As a Presidential Young Scholar, he will be provided with a start-up grant to support his career development. The Presidential Young Scholars Scheme recently established under the Strategic Hiring Scheme by the University aims to support outstanding Assistant Professors and Associate Professors normally under or around the age of 45. These faculty members should have conducted/led world-leading research that is commensurate with the stage of their academic career. They should be rising stars in a particular area, and for Assistant Professors, should have undertaken their PhD and/or postdoctoral research in a world-leading research group, and published a significant amount of world-leading research as a main author. Dr Kranz received his MSc in Psychology at the University of Vienna and his PhD in Clinical Neurosciences at the Medical University of Vienna. He received his habilitation (venia docendi) in Neurosciences with his habilitation thesis titled “Imaging the effects of sex steroid hormones on brain structure and function” in April 2016. Between 2017 and 2018, Dr Kranz was Head of the TMS Lab at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on the neural underpinnings of mood disorders. He has conducted numerous neuroimaging studies in the past and published the results in high-ranked journals.  

8 Aug, 2022

Awards & Recognitions

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PolyU InnoTech Open Day and Inauguration Ceremony of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) held the PolyU InnoTech Open Day on 16 July on campus to showcase the University’s latest endeavours in education, interdisciplinary research, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship which are helping to empower the innovation and technology (I&T) development of Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and beyond. The Opening Ceremony also marked the inauguration of the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR). PAIR is the largest research platform of its kind in Hong Kong and the GBA to foster interdisciplinary research, partnership with world-renowned scholars, and the transfer of technologies to stakeholders. PAIR aspires to be a world leader in providing interdisciplinary solutions for major societal challenges, and its research focuses on frontier areas such as artificial intelligence, carbon neutrality, deep space exploration, smart cities, smart energy, and many more. Click here to watch the PAIR video premiered at the inaugural ceremony on 16 July.  Mental Health Research Centre (MHRC) had set up a booth to showcase members' projects on mental health and well-being topics related to Neuroscience-driven assessment and intervention. Moreover, Prof. David Man, Director of MHRC, delivered a speech in the breakout session "Neurohealth from Vision to Brian". Near 40 industry practitioners and PolyU expert researchers participated, discussed and exchanged viewpoints on the related topics.  

20 Jul, 2022

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The Director of MHRC will Present at PolyU Research Postgraduate Summer School 2022

Prof. David Man, Director of MHRC, Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences, was invited to present at PolyU Research Postgraduate Summer School 2022. It is organised by The Graduate School, aiming to highlight the research excellence of PolyU, attract and recruit talented local and overseas undergraduates and master's students to pursue a research postgraduate degree at PolyU. It is our great pleasure and honor to have this chance to present and promote our Centre!

18 Jul, 2022

Scholarly Engagement

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MHRC Associate Director Prof. Sylvia Chen Received Outstanding International Psychologist Award

Prof. Sylvia CHEN, Associate Director of the Mental Health Research Centre, Associate Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, received the Outstanding International Psychologist Award conferred by the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 52 (International Psychology). The American Psychological Association is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and the largest association of psychologists in the world. The Outstanding International Psychologist Awards recognize outstanding contributions to international psychology through significant research, teaching, advocacy, and/or contributions to international organizations. An award is given to a psychologist from the United States and to a psychologist from outside the United States. Congratulation to Prof. Chen on her latest award!

5 Jul, 2022

Awards & Recognitions

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MHRC’s research reveals that over 10% Hong Kong people exhibit PTSD symptoms one year after the onset of the pandemic

With support from the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Food and Health Bureau, a research team led by Prof. David Shum, Member of the Mental Health Research Centre, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Smart Ageing, Yeung Tsang Wing Yee and Tsang Wing Hing Professor in Neuropsychology, Chair Professor of Neuropsychology and Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at PolyU, conducted survey during the fourth wave of the pandemic and about one year after its onset. Among the respondents, 69% were aged between 18 and 59, and most of them were working adults. The survey found that (1) more than one in ten (12.4%) of the respondents had exhibited post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, indicating that they might have PTSD; and (2) being unemployed or having no personal income, and with lower educational attainment were associated with a higher chance having of PTSD symptoms. Read more from: PolyU research reveals that over 10% Hong Kong people exhibit PTSD symptoms one year after the onset of the pandemic; Severity of symptoms is associated with time spent watching pandemic-related news | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   Prof. Shum also elaborated the study results on an RTHK programme “HK2000” on 26 May and on an RTHK TV programme "Anti-pandemic News Express" on 4 June.  It’s estimated that up to 30-40% of citizens may suffer from PTSD due to Hong Kong’s fifth wave of pandemic. Despite the figure, Prof. Shum said people should not be overwhelmed if they found themselves having symptoms, but ought to seek help from professionals once symptoms begin to affect their daily lives for a period of time.   Online Review: 1. RTHK (26 May): (1:37:35 - 1:51:26) 2. RTHK TV (4 June): (10:20 – 22:49)

7 Jun, 2022


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MHRC Associate Director shares how to maintain healthy lifestyle under COVID-19 pandemic

Prof. Hector Tsang, Associate Director of the Mental Health Research Centre, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was featured on two RTHK TV programmes on 24 May sharing how to maintain healthy lifestyle under the COVID-19 pandemic. The first programme was “Healthpedia”, in which he introduced how mind-body exercises, like Eight Brocades (八段錦) and “Rehab 8 Forms” designed by a PolyU research team led by Prof. Amy Fu, Associate Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, could help relieve long COVID symptoms. He reminded that the key to mind-body exercises is that the movement, breath and mind should be tied in, and one’s fitness could be improved in six to eight weeks with 10 minutes exercise a day and four to five days a week. Please click here to review the interview (Chinese only) starting from 09:04. The second programme was “Anti-pandemic News Express”. In this programme, Prof. Tsang gave tips on how to achieve work-life balance while working from home. He pointed out that working from home may cause uncertainties and hence anxiety. He encouraged the public could strike a better work-life balance by doing stretching exercises or reading, and being well-coordinated with superiors and family members. Prof. Tsang also reminded that adaptation is needed when going back to office as people may have already gotten used to working from home. Please click here to review the interview (Chinese only) starting from 09:16.

27 May, 2022

Media Coverage

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MHRC Associate Director receives funding to develop digital platform for pandemic support

Congratulations to Prof. Hector Tsang, Associate Director of the Mental Health Research Centre, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, for receiving HK$500,000 from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust - COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund 2.0! The fund aims to provide fast-track grants to NGOs for offering quick, specific and innovative services to people hard-hit by the pandemic and fostering mutual help in the community to fight against the pandemic. In view of the rapid and serious fifth wave of the COVID-19 since early this year, the Hong Kong Government has tightened the social distancing measures and raised the response level to Emergency, people who are financially deprived and from vulnerable or disability groups are seriously affected. The funded project titled “Development of a digital platform (Electronic Mental Evaluation, Resources and Information Toolkit; e-MERIT) for pandemic support on the mental health of the vulnerable groups” aims to provide imminent support in mental health context for the betterment of local vulnerable communities. It is our great pleasure to join hands with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust to fight against COVID-19! We wish the mental health digital platform every success!    

23 May, 2022

Funding & Donations

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MHRC Member Receives HK$ 1.7 Million Funding from Innovation and Technology Fund

Congratulations to our proud member of MHRC, Dr Sonata Yau, Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, receives HKD 1.7 million in funding from Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme (MHKJFS), one of the funding schemes under Innovation and Technology Fund, which aims to support and encourage research and development collaboration among universities, research institutes and technology enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland. The funded project entitled "Advancing application of the active compounds of Chinese Herbal Medicine formulas on counteracting depression: Investigation of the synergistic activation on PACAP-mediated rapid and lasting antidepressant effects" which will focus on advancing the clinical application of Yueju (越鞠丸), a Chinese multiherbal medicine formulated 800 years ago to treat syndromes associated with mood disorders, through examining the mechanistic action of its extracted active ingredients. The results will provide mechanistic insights of the synergetic action of extracted active ingredients from Yueju on antidepressant treatment target and will facilitate modernization of Yueju-based antidepressant formula with an optimal therapeutic dosage on treating depression patients. Congratulations again to Dr Yau!   

5 May, 2022

Funding & Donations

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