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RCCHC "Science, Technology, Society and Culture" Talk Series #12 - 人之彼岸的噩夢

Talk series12 Prof Wang Ban talkbannerupdated
  • Date

    19 Jun 2024

  • Organiser

    Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture

  • Time

    16:30 - 18:00

  • Venue

    R507, PolyU and online via Zoom  


Prof. WANG Ban


Ms Carmen LAW 34008979


This talk will be delivered in Mandarin


(only available in Chinese)  人工智能、信息處理、基因工程、人機交融等高技術衝擊、質疑着傳統的「人」的觀念。人工智能侵入、扭曲、隔離人文與生態,智能與身體的關係,將社會倫理和情感關係推向權利和利害衝突,導致深刻且微妙的後人類狀況。本文探討郝景芳的有關人工智能的小說,分析數碼和基因技術,在資本和科技神話的驅動下,如何營造類似人的形體(humanoids)和賽博,如何瓦解人文傳統對人的自我理解,如何凸顯人文傳統對人際互動,感情聯繫的基本需求。

Keynote Speaker

Prof. WANG Ban

Prof. WANG Ban

William Haas Professor in Chinese Studies
Stanford University

(only available in Chinese) 王斑,斯坦福大學William Haas中國研究講座教授。主要著作有: The Sublime Figure of History (1997);Narrative Perspective and Irony in Chinese and American Fiction (2002);Illuminations from the Past (2004);China in the World: Culture, Politics, and World Vision (2022);At Home in Nature: Technology, Labor and Critical Ecology (2023). 編 Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Culture and World Politics (2017);Words and Their Stories: Essays on the Language of the Chinese Revolution (2011);Trauma and Cinema (2004);Debating Socialist Legacy (2015) 等編著。與張旭東合譯本雅明的《啟迪》(牛津大學,1998)。中文著作有《歷史與記憶》(牛津大學,2004);曾任教羅格斯大學、哈佛大學、韓國首爾大學、延世大學。

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