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Grants and Collaborations

1) Individual Grants

  • “Right To Be Forgotten Made Easy: Machine Unlearning, Differential Privacy and Beyond”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2025.01-2027.12, HKD 1,038,967.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • “Harnessing Sensitive Statistics from the Crowd: Towards Scalable Private Federated Analytics”
    RGC/Early Career Scheme (ECS), 2025.01-2027.12, HKD 992,994. (Early Career Award)
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “Local Tweaks for Privacy-Preserving Training in Machine Learning at Scale”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2024.01-2026.12, HKD 1,228,619.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • “Small Leaks Sink Great Ships: Data Recovery Attacks and Defense in Local Differential Privacy”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2024.01-2026.12, HKD 1,096,927.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “面向大模型微调的差分隐私数据保护技术研究”
    Open Research Fund of The State Key Laboratory of Blockchain and Data Security, 2024.08-2026.07, CNY 100,000.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “Towards Provable On-Device Data Privacy for Complex Analytics and Its Applications”
    Industrial Research Grant, 2024.01-2024.12, HKD 495,000.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “本地化差分隐私攻防之数据重构攻击研究”
    NSFC (面上项目), 2024.01-2027.12, CNY 500,000.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “数据源和机器学习模型双向安全策略研究”
    NSFC (面上项目), 2023.01-2025.12, CNY 800,000
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • “Evasive Federated Learning Attacks through Differential Privacy: Mechanisms and Mitigations”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2023.01-2025.12, HKD 941,434.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • “Efficient OLAP Operations under Local Differential Privacy”
    PolyU Research Grant, 2023.05-2026.04, HKD 500,000.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “Sword of Two Edges: Adversarial Machine Learning from Privacy-Aware Users”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2022.01-2024.12, HKD 838,393.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • “Byzantine-Robust Data Collection under Local Differential Privacy Model”
    RGC/General Research Fund (GRF), 2022.01-2024.12, HKD 838,393.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.
  • “恶意敌手模型下的本地化差分隐私技术探索”
    NSFC (青年科学基金项目), 62102334, 2022.01-2024.12, CNY 300,000.
    PI: Dr. YE Qingqing.

2) Collaborative Grants

  • 基础模型窃取测评及防御关键技术
    Huawei Technologies, 2024-2026.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • MyGPTShield: A Personalized Privacy-Preserving Prompt Service for Large Generative AI Models
    Huawei Technologies, 2024-2026.
    PI: Prof. HU Haibo.
  • Federated Graph Management and Querying: Subgraphs, Keywords, and Privacy
    RGC/Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG), 2024.06-2027.05, HKD 4,854,870.
    Co-PI: Dr. YE Qingqing, Prof. HU Haibo.
  • User-Controlled Secure Data Sharing and Analytics with Blockchain and Trusted Computing Technologies
    RGC/ Collaborative Research Grant (CRG), 2022-2025, HKD 6,734,880.
    Co-PI: Prof. HU Haibo.

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