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PolyU shares science communication tips on THE Campus

15 Jan 2024


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When research reaches a broader audience, it improves the society we live in and inspires the next generation of scientists.
Research and Innovation Office at PolyU shares insights with THE Campus on effectively communicating scientific research to a broader audience.

The article titled "Science Communication Tips for Marketers" emphasises the importance of reaching a wider audience with research findings and inspiring the next generation of scientists.

At PolyU, we firmly believe that we can foster a scientifically literate society that actively engages with innovation and scientific advancements by making scientific knowledge accessible. The article underscores the importance of finding compelling perspectives and developing coordination skills to capture the interest of the media and the public.

This article is a testament to our commitment to bridging the gap between scientific research and ongoing efforts to engage with the broader community.

Stay tuned for more updates on our research initiatives and collaborations as we continue to make strides in science communication.

The full article on THE Campus

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