For the different demands from different projects, users should let us know what computing resources they need, like No. of CPU cores, GPU, storage size as well as the applications to be setup on the UBDA HPC Platform. We are pleased to work with you to setup and build for running your intended programs/application. For such requirements, users should inform us of their plans so as to reserve the resources properly.
Singularity container software is installed to perform operating-system-level virtualization to run container image applications. Users are welcome to install any software into their home directory (/ubda/home/NetID) with general-user privilege, if there is something that you think should be made available to all users, email us and we will compile and install it for you. To see what is already installed, you can run "moduel avail" to get current available software list.
It is suggested to check the available of free nodes before job submission. Users can type the queue name directly in the SSH prompt to check the available free nodes, such as "q2s01" and "qgpu01" etc. Similarly, the node name ("ubda-d050", "ubda-d003" etc) is to report the CPU instant load and memory consumption. "checkquota" checks disk usage, "nvidia-smi-g003", "nvidia-smi-g012" etc check GPU card load. Other popular commands are "qub xxx.pbs", "qstat -na" and "qdel JobID" etc for job management.
UBDA HPC Platform uses PolyU NetID and Net Password to log in, users should keep their account private and should not share their UBDA account without prior approval.
For more information, please email to