The International Association of Language and Social Psychology (IALSP) awarded two academic staff members of our Department for their achievements and contributions.
Prof. Hans Ladegaard received the Robert C. Gardner Award for Outstanding Research in Bilingualism 2024. This award was presented to him (in absentia) at the Association's international conference at the University of Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2024. The award, given biennially, celebrates a scholar's exceptional, sustained, and currently active research on bilingualism, ethnic relations, intergroup communication, acculturation, and ethnic stereotypes.
Prof. Bernadette Watson, Honorary Professor, was honoured with the Howie Giles Mentorship Award 2024. This award recognises mentoring as an essential scholarly activity and celebrates scholars who perform this duty with excellence. Winners of this award are distinctive not only for mentoring scholars at the beginning of their academic journey (e.g., graduate students) but also for providing support and guidance to scholars across their career trajectories.
Prof. Ladegaard expressed his gratitude, stating, "I'm very happy and proud to have been given the Robert C. Gardner Award; this was a pleasant and unexpected surprise! Thank you to the colleagues in the Association who nominated me, and thank you to the Executive Board for giving me the award. I assume it was given to me first and foremost because of my work for and with migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, and I'm very happy that their plight has also been recognized through this award."
Prof. Bernadette Watson shared her humility and pride upon receiving the Howie Giles Mentorship Award, "I felt both humble and proud. Humble because my current and previous students, as well as early career academics in Hong Kong and Australia, had taken the time to nominate me. I am proud to know and continue to work with these active and enthusiastic academics. Thank you to everyone who put my name forward."
Let's applaud Prof. Ladegaard and Prof. Watson for their achievements and contributions!