
A Special Issue of the Asian ESP Journal and a Special Issue of the Asian EFL Journal, with multiple volumes depending on the number and quality of full papers submitted, will be published online in 2018.

These journals are under English Language Education (ELE) Journal Group, a division of TESOL Asia, Australia. There are over 800 review editors in the ELE.

Dr Paul Robertson, Senior Academic Consultant, TESOL Asia, is Executive Director and Prof. John Adamson, University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan, is Managing Editor of the English Language Education (ELE) Journal Group.

The Asian EFL Journal & The ESP Journal

Paper submission and review

Papers should be emailed to to journal editors before June 30th 2018. Publication dates will depend upon various factors, including date received and Editors comments to address. Other details such as publication fee had been sent to all presenters by email separately.

There are two categories of paper:

  1. Full research papers, which report interesting and relevant research. Ensure that you point out in your discussion section how your findings have broad relevance internationally and contribute something new to our knowledge of EFL/ESP.

  2. Non-research papers, providing detailed and contextualized reports of aspects of EFL/ESP, such as curriculum planning, materials design, and classroom  implementation. Very-well documented discussions that make an original contribution to the profession. We cannot accept literature reviews as journal papers, unless these are state-of-the-art papers that are both comprehensive and expertly drafted by an experienced specialist.

When submitting, please specify if your paper is a full research paper or a non-research paper. In the latter case, please write a paragraph explaining the relevance of your paper to The Asian EFL Journal and/or The ESP Journal.

Authors are encouraged to conform to international standards of drafting, but every effort will be made to respect original personal and cultural voices and different rhetorical styles. Papers should be fully-referenced and should use an APA format. Do not include references that are not referred to in the manuscript.

Summary for paper submission:

  1. Have you included the no prior submission undertaking? This is an original publication and has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted elsewhere. 
  2. Only MS Document format is accepted.
  3. All URL addresses in the text are activated.
  4. Specify if your paper is a full research paper or a non-research paper.
  5. The text is spaced 1.5 between lines, uses 12 point font and underlining only where underlining is required in the final publication.
  6. Tables are included in the manuscript at the point they are intended to appear, preceded by a table caption.
  7. All permissions have been cleared for any copyrighted material.
  8. In the e-mail message, indicate what is new about your study.
  9. Provide your bio data in about 100 words.
  10. Use the APA referencing style.
  11. Word length – 5,000 - 6,000 words

Acceptance of papers for publication

Once the papers have been accepted, authors will receive a Formal Notice of Acceptance & Publication which will precede the online publication.