Instructions for Presenters

Submit your proposal! Regardless of format, proposals should reflect the efforts of a single individual or a collaboration of up to 5 students (as co-authors). All presentations must be by students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at a university in Hong Kong. We encourage students to work closely with staff sponsors to submit their very best work. Prior to acceptance, the PolyU-CALLS Advisory Board will review all proposals. Submission does not guarantee acceptance.

Proposals should be submitted via the online form here.

Before you begin the proposal submission process, please be sure you have:

  • Your presentation title and preferred format (i.e., oral vs. poster presentation)
  • An unstructured abstract of 150 to 200 words that introduces your project, including any interesting findings. Examples of student abstracts can be found here.

Poster Presentations

A poster presentation can be an effective way of visually presenting the results of your research through charts, graphs, diagrams, pictures, and tables. Poster presentations take place in a designated area where presenters chat with attendees while standing near their posters and answering any questions the attendees might have about their research. This format allows for a more informal approach to discussing your research and simultaneously provides an opportunity to network with other PolyU-CALLS attendees. Various poster templates can be found online. Posters should be printed by presenters prior to the conference and brought with them to the conference. If you submit by the deadline, the PolyU-CALLS organizers can assist with printing your poster. No completed written paper is required.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations allow presenters to give a more structured 15-minute presentation about their research. This format allows you to discuss your research in more detail with the use of PowerPoint as a visual aid. Each presenter will also have 5 minutes after their presentation for Q&A with their audience. Oral presenters should prepare their PowerPoint slides and bring them to the conference on a USB flash drive (USB Type-A). No completed written paper is required.

Why participate in PolyU-CALLS?

  • Strengthen your presentation skills
  • Receive feedback on your Capstone Project
  • Enhance your ability to communicate your arguments and ideas
  • Build your CV/resume
  • Gain scholarly recognition and win awards

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 13 January 2023
Notice of decision: 4 February 2023
Conference date: 4 March 2023 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

If you have any questions about the conference or the proposal submission process, please contact: