Research Overview
My main research interests are in academic writing, vocabulary learning, corpus analysis and applications of concordancing in teaching and learning. I developed the Corpus of Chinese Learners of English, which was accepted into the bank of ICLE (International Corpus of Learner English), the world-wide data bank of learner English coordinated by Prof. Sylviane Granger in Belgium. I have been the project leader (or co-project leader) of a number of large-scale projects including a joint project with Stanford University. I was also a co-investigator of a UGC funded inter-university project with City University of Hong Kong and University of Hong Kong.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2011-2015
PhD in Applied Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - 1998-2000
M.A. in English Language Teaching, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - 1993-1994
Postgraduate Diploma of Education, University of Queensland, Australia
- 1982-1986
BA, English Language and Literature, Xi’an Foreign Language Institute, Xi’an, China
Academic and Professional Experience
Current Post (since 1 July 2020)
- Senior Teaching Fellow (full time), English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Adjunct Assistant Professor (since 2019), Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2006-2020
Lecturer/Teaching Fellow (full time), English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Programmes currently coordinating:
- Post-graduate subjects coordinator
Subject currently coordinating:
- Building Critical Thinking Skills and Communication (ELC1A11)
Programmes and subjects previously coordinated:
- LCR subjects
- School programme co-ordinator for the School of Hotel and Tourist Management
- Programme co-ordinator: Foundation English for Students from Mainland China
Committee Chair (current)
- Teaching and Learning committee
Current committee membership:
- Assessment committee (ELC)
- Centre Management Committee (ELC)
- Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee (FH)
Thesis Supervision (Doctor of Applied Language Sciences)
- Process Writing in Reducing EFL Students’ writing Anxiety
- Lexical bundles in English learners’ argumentative essays: using ICLE Chinese learner sub-corpus
- A corpus-driven investigation into the relationship between vocabulary teaching and the assessment of receptive vocabulary knowledge
Teaching Areas
I mainly teach subjects for RPg students (Thesis Writing, Presentation Skills for Research Students) and will also teach Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics, a subject in the Professional Doctorate programme, Doctor of Applied Language Sciences, offered by the Faculty of Humanities.
Research Interests
Research Output
Lin, L. H. F. (2019). The NMET impact on the English writing of mainland Chinese students. ERL Journal. 1, 122-131.
Lin, L. H. F., & Morrison, B. (2010). The impact of the medium of instruction in Hong Kong secondary schools on tertiary students' vocabulary. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 255-266.
Lin, L. H. F. (2003). Corpus Evidence: Existential Constructions by Chinese Learners of English. The English Teacher - An International Journal, 6, (3), 279-280.
Foung, D., Chen, J., & Lin, L. H. F. (2020). Unveiling the Inconvenient Truth: The Innovation Process in Implementing a University Dashboard. In S. Palahicky (Ed.), Enhancing Learning Design for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (pp. 162-181). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Qian, D. D. & Lin, H. L. F. (2020). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language proficiency. In S. Webb (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of vocabulary studies. Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Morrison, M., Chen, J., Urmston, A., & Lin, L. H. F. (Eds.) (forthcoming). EAC Volume. Fort Collins, Colorado: WAC Clearinghouse.
Lin, L. H. F. (2009). Status of English in Hong Kong. In S. Granger et al (eds.), International Corpus of Learner English Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universite de Louvain Press, 180-185.
Lin, L. H. F. (2002). Overuse, underuse and misuse: using concordancing to analyze the use of it in the writing of Chinese Learners of English. In M. Tan (ed.), Corpus Studies in Language Education. Bangkok: IELS Press, 63-80.
Lin, L. H. F. (1999). Applying Information Technology to a Corpus of Student Report Writing Help Students Write Better Reports. In B. Morrison et al (eds.), Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 69-79.
- Lin, H. F. (2023). Assessing the role of vocabulary knowledge in developing EFL learners’ writing skills: Implications for intentional and incidental vocabulary learning. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 32(1), 105–130.
- Lin, H. F., Foung, D., & Chen, J. (2023). Assuring online assessment quality: the case of unproctored online assessment. Quality Assurance in Education, 31(1), 137-150.
- Lee, T. S., & Lin, H. F. (2022). Motivational Strategies Adopted in Postgraduate English Academic Writing Courses: Perspectives of Doctoral Students. SAGE Open, 12(4), 21582440221138259.
- Chen, J., Lin, L. H. F., Foung, D., & Nixon, C. (2022). Quality Assurance and Enhancement: An Application of Digitalised Data. In A. Kaplan (Ed.). Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education (pp. 130-143). Cambridge University Press.
- Foung, D., Chen, J., & Lin, L. H. F. (2022). When “Blended” Becomes “Online”: A Data-Driven Study on the Change of Self-Directed Engagement During COVID-19. CALICO Journal, 39 (1), 1-25.
- Lin, L. H. F., & Morrison, B. (2021). Challenges in academic writing: Perspectives of Engineering faculty and L2 postgraduate research students. English for Specific Purposes, 63, 59-70.
- Morrison, M., Chen, J., Lin, L. H. F., & Urmston, A. (Eds.) (2021). English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
- Foung, D., Chen, J., & Lin, L. H. F. (2020). Unveiling the Inconvenient Truth: The Innovation Process in Implementing a University Dashboard. In S. Palahicky (Ed.), Enhancing Learning Design for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (pp. 162-181). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Qian, D. D. & Lin, H. L. F. (2020). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language proficiency. In S. Webb (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of vocabulary studies. Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.
- Lin, L. H. F. (2019). The NMET impact on the English writing of mainland Chinese students. ERL Journal. 1, 122-131.
- Lin, L. H. F., & Morrison, B. (2010). The impact of the medium of instruction in Hong Kong secondary schools on tertiary students' vocabulary. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 9, 255-266.
- Lin, L. H. F. (2009). Status of English in Hong Kong. In S. Granger et al (eds.), International Corpus of Learner English Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universite de Louvain Press, 180-185.
- Lin, L. H. F. (2003). Corpus Evidence: Existential Constructions by Chinese Learners of English. The English Teacher - An International Journal, 6, (3), 279-280.
- Lin, L. H. F. (2002). Overuse, underuse and misuse: using concordancing to analyze the use of it in the writing of Chinese Learners of English. In M. Tan (ed.), Corpus Studies in Language Education. Bangkok: IELS Press, 63-80.
- Lin, L. H. F. (1999). Applying Information Technology to a Corpus of Student Report Writing Help Students Write Better Reports. In B. Morrison et al (eds.), Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 69-79.
- Lin, L. H. F. (1992). The Importance of Training Practical English Skills in Tertiary English Teaching in Advanced Education Studies, Xi’an: Northwest University Press, 9, 55-57.
- Lin, L. H. F. (1990). Selected Stories (translation) in Humour. Xi’an: Baihua Press, 6, p.25.
- Lin, L. H. F. (1989). The Girls in their Summer Dresses (translation). In Peony, Luoyang: Peony, 7, 72-80.
Current Projects
- Developing an online English language support platform for SYA students. Principal investigator, TDG Institutional Fund, $1,500,000
- Scholarship Platform for Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Age. An inter-university project headed by UST (co-investigator), HK$1,700,000
- Developing an Automated Writing Evaluation System for Chinese Learners around the world. Principal investigator, TDG Institutional Fund, $16,000,000
Completed Funded Projects:
- Developing an Interactive Academic Vocabulary Learning Tool. Principal investigator, TDG Institutional Fund, $20,000
- Developing a PolyU-Stanford adaptive learning online platform for English and exploratory adaptive assessment for Science subjects. Principle Investigator (together with Dr. Julia Chen). TDG Institutional Fund, $15,000,000.
- Online Support for Academic Writing for the Engineering Curriculum. Co-investigator, UGC funded, $4,977,880.
- Preparation for International Collaboration with Stanford University. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant, $119,492.
- Improving the vocabulary knowledge of PhD and MPhil Candidates in the PolyU. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant.
- An Investigation into Academic Vocabulary Input in the English LCR Courses in the Four-year Curriculum. Principal investigator. Dean’s Research Grant.
- Identifying Major Challenges that Mainland Students Studying in Hong Kong Face in Academic Writing.Principal Investigator. PolyU Learning and Teaching Grant.
- An investigation into the academic vocabulary knowledge of PolyU students.(PI:Dr Bruce Morrison). Faculty-Wide/Cross-Department Learning & Teaching Development Grants.
- Build a PolyU Learner Corpus. Principal Investigator. PolyU Learning and Teaching Grant. Dean’s Research Grant, Faculty of Humanities.
- Developing an Annotated PolyU Learner Corpus.Principal Investigator. Dean’s Research Grant, Faculty of Humanities.
- Make Invisible Errors Visible. Principal Investigator. Dean’s Research Grant. Faculty of Humanities.
- Developing Learning and Teaching Resources for the Writing Assistance Programme. (PI: Dr Julia Chen). PolyU Central Research Grants.
- (2023). Challenges in academic writing and timing of interventions: a study of L2 postgraduate Engineering students. Presented at the Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes Conference 2023, Oslo Metropolitan University, Olso, Norway.
- (2023). Improving student writing through feedback on assignment plans. Presented at the 2023 AHKLC Annual Symposium. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Hong Kong.
- (2022). Effectiveness of WeCheck! in Improving Student Academic Writing. Presented at CUHK Expo 2022, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- (2022). Impacts of Test-driven Learning on Productive Vocabulary - a case of Chinese Learners of English. Presented at The 5th Education Role of Language Conference, Nitra, Slovakia.(2022). An investigation into the effectiveness of eBooks in improving university students’ academic vocabulary learning. Co-presented with Bidal and Christy Wong. at The 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference (online)
- (2021). Developing EAP expertise: Insights from teachers on professional growth. Co-presented with Jarvis, et al. at HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference 2021.
- (2020). Going digital: acceptance and resistance -a case study of instructors’ attitudes towards mobile-assisted language learning. Presented at 2020 JALT Hokkaido Winder Language Conference. The Japan Association of Language Teaching, Japan.
- (2019). Translingualism in academic English classrooms. Presented at English Teaching and Learning 2019, National Normal Taiwan University, Taiwan.
- (2019). Use of ergative verbs in academic writing by Chinese learners of English: a learner corpus-based approach. Co-presented with Dr Julia Chen at The International Conference on Language, Education and Culture. Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey.
- (2018). Overuse and misuse of connectors in Chinese learners of English – a corpus-based analysis. Presented at Educational Role of Language, 3rd International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- (2018). Introducing approaches to in-depth curriculum review – the PolyU experience. Co-presented with J. Chen, D. Foung and C. Nixon at Continuing Professional Development Symposium for Hong Kong University Centres, Hong Kong.
- (2017). Is the NMET a Valid Proficiency Test? Presented at the 2017 AALA International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- (2017). Going digital or going home? A study on blended language learning in higher education. Presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics in Athens, Greece.
- (2016). Student and supervisor perspectives on postgraduate students’ academic writing skills. Presented at MICOLLAC2016 in Penang, Malaysia.
- (2014). Power of the Vocabulary Levels Test for predicting writing proficiency. Presented at Vocab@Vic 2013. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- (2013). EAP Subjects in Hong Kong’s 4-Year Undergraduate Curriculum. Presented at EAP in Global Higher Education, 2013 LTTC Symposium. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (invited speaker).
- (2012). Roles of Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Assessing EFL Learners’ Writing Proficiency. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- (2010). Cultural Awareness and PISER. Presented at International Conference for Language Awareness (ALA 2010). University of Kassel. Kassel, Germany.
- (2008). Impact of Medium of Instruction in Secondary Schools on academic Vocabulary Size of Tertiary Students. Presented at International Conference on Literature, Languages and Linguistics in Athens, Greece.
- (2006). Chinese typology and Common Structural Errors Made by Chinese Learners of English. Presented at The 9th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism in Joensuu, Finland.
- (2005). PISER and Grammar Teaching. Presented at AILA 2005 in Madison, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA.
- (2004). Language Hurdles Hong Kong Students Are to Cross in Higher Education. Presented at the Needs of the Chinese Learner Conference. Portsmouth, Britain.
- (2003). A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Academic Writing. Presented at EATAW: the Second Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing. Budapest, Hungary.
- (2002). Corpus Evidence: the Existential Constructions by Chinese Learners of English. Presented at the Inter-Variety Applied Corpus Studies conference. Limerick University, Ireland.
- (2001). Sexism. Presented at the ALAA 2001 National Congress. Canberra, Australia.
- (2001). Overuse, Underuse and Misuse: Using Concordancing to Analyse the Use of It in the Writing of Chinese Learners of English. Presented at the ALAA 2001 National Congress. Canberra, Australia.
- (1999). Applying Information Technology to a Corpus of Student Report Writing to Help Students Write Better Reports. Presented at the Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching conference. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- (1991). A Fundamental Aspect in Improving Tertiary English Teaching. Presented at the Teaching Foreign Languages conference. The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China.
Professional Service
- Achieving cohesion and coherence in academic writing (talk for staff at Foreign Language Departments, Tsinghua University)
- Academic English teaching in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (talk for staff at College English Department, Tsinghua University)
Improving your students’ academic writing skills (3-day extensive training for staff at Chong Qing University; Co-trainer: Andy Jarvis)
Academic English in HK POLYU (talk for staff at Chong Qing University)
Language Instructor (full time), English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Language Instructor, Chinese Language Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Working with students of varied cultural backgrounds and proficiency levels
- Active in Materials Development for Cantonese L1 and English L1 students
- Active in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) development
Teacher of Mandarin Chinese (full time), Ashgrove State School, Brisbane, Australia.
- Special duties as State-wide Curriculum Writer for the L.O.T.E. Centre, Queensland Department of Education
Lecturer (full time), College English Department, specialising in Service English, Northwest University, Xi’an, China
Levels of taught subjects:
Postgraduate and undergraduate
Subjects taught:
- Intensive and Extensive Reading (teaching and course development)
- Writing (teaching and course development) for prep., undergraduate, and postgraduate levels
- Translation
- English Grammatical Analysis and Practical Application for EFL students
- First Prize of Paper Award (CoP on Conducting LA to inform T&L) – received 2022
- Outstanding PolyU Educator – received in 2021
- Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence – received in 2018
- President Award for Teaching Excellence – nominated in 2018
- Editorial board member, ERL Journal (an international journal published in Europe)