Research Overview
I am a health psychologist who studies communication. I research how individuals communicate interpersonally and in groups, primarily in the health context. I conduct research into patient and health professional interactions as well as between multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams of health professionals.
My focus is on the influence of identity and intergroup processes and how individuals communicate their identity to their speech partners. My contribution has been to apply and refine theory from a social psychology of language perspective. I have been a member of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology (IALSP) executive from 2000 to 2018 (President 2012-14).
My research is applied, translational and interdisciplinary. I believe that work in this field can make a practical difference to people’s lives and health. I am Director of the International Research Centre for the Advancement of Health Communication (IRCAHC: www.ircahc.org) at PolyU which is committed to research that can have a practical impact.
I am actively conducting research in Hong Kong and overseas. I have current research collaborations in Australia with both Queensland Hospitals and also with Curtin University in Western Australia. In Hong Kong I am working with hospitals to investigate issues about barriers and facilitators to quality patient care. This continues research that I have been conducting in Australia and the USA.
Academic and Professional Experience
Honorary Appointment
- Honorary Professor of the Department of English and Communication, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Honorary Professor of the School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professional Associations
- Fellow of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology (Awarded 2016)
- Executive member since 2000 and Past President of International Association of Language and Social Psychology (2012-2014)
- Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities.
- Member of the International Research Communication Centre in Healthcare at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong since 2013.
- Registered Psychologist in Australia Endorsed in the area of health psychology since 2010
- Member of College of Australian Health Psychologists since 2006
- Member of the Australian Psychological Society since 2003
- Member of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology since 1998
- Member of the Society of Australasian Social Psychologist since 1993
- Member since 1994 and past board member of the International Communication Association
- Registered General Psychologist (Qld) since 1991
Teaching Areas
- Social psychology of Language
- Health communication
- Intergroup communication
- Organisational communication
- Intercultural communication
- Social identity theory
Research Interests
Selected Publications
- Watson, B. M. & Krieger, J. (Eds.) (2020). Expanding Horizons in Health Communication - An Asian Perspective. Springer Publications.
- Giles, H. & Watson, B.M. (Eds) (2013). The social meanings of language, dialect and accent: International perspectives on speech styles. New York, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Weatherall, A., Watson, B. M., & Gallois, C. (Eds) (2007). Language, discourse and social psychology. Basingstoke, Hants., UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Barlow, M., Watson, B. M., Morse, K., Jones E, Maccallum, F. (In press). React, Reframe, Engage. Establishing a Receiver Mindset for more effective safety negotiations. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
Wu, Xiaoyan, Watson, B.M., Baker, S. (In press). The Role of Language Use and Communication in Mainland Chinese Students’ Cross-cultural Adaptation to Hong Kong: A Qualitative Investigative Study. Language and Intercultural Communication
Barlow, M., Watson, B. M., Jones, L., Morse, K. Maccallum, F. (In press). The Application of Communication Accommodation Theory to Understand Receiver Reactions in Healthcare Speaking Up Interactions. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Yung, A., Chi S. P., Watson, B. M. (In press) A scoping review of clinical handover mnemonic devices. International Journal of Quality in Health Care
Barlow M., Watson, B. M., Jones, L., Morse, K. Maccallum, F. Rudolph, J. (In press.) Building a Workplace-based Learning Culture: The Role of the “Receiver’s” Perspective on the Speaking Up Message. Journal of Behavioral Science.
Barlow, M. Morse, K. Watson, B. M., MacCallum, F. (In press). Identification of the barriers and enablers for receiving a speaking up message: A content analysis approach. Advances in Simulation. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41077-023-00256-1
Barlow, M., Watson, B. M., Jones, L.(In press). Understanding observed receiver strategies in the healthcare speaking up context. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. https://www.ijohs.com/article/doi/10.54531/sufd5615#
Barlow, M., Watson, B.M., Jones, L., McCallum, F. (2023) The influence of professional identity on how the receiver receives and responds to a speaking up message: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-023-01178-z
Wang, X, Watson, B.M., (In press) Exploring Foreign Domestic Workers’ Perceived Contextual Factors Influencing Their Seeking Care and Participating in Medical Consultations: An Ecological Lens. Health Communication
- Qiu, A.H., Watson, B. M.,& Tay, D. (In press)Trauma metaphors at the symptom level: an image schematic analysis of symptom-specific metaphors. Lingua.
- Watson, B. M., and Wu Xiaoyan I. (In-press) Sentinel Events and Miscommunication What do we know in 2021: A Language and Social Psychology framework. Health Communication.
- Turnbull, M., Wu Xiaoyan, I. Watson, B. M. (In press). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on end-of-life workers in Hong Kong and Australia: An initial study of communication and interaction in community-based services. Communication and Medicine.
- Wu, X., Turnbull, M., Yung, A., & Watson, B. (2022). Grief and bereavement in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(7), 198-205. doi:10.4236/jss.2022.107017
- Qiu, A.H., Watson, B. M.,& Tay, D. (2022). Metaphors and trauma. An image schematic analysis of symptom-specific metaphors. Lingua, 271, 103244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2022.103244
- Watson, B. M., and Wu Xiaoyan I. (2022) Sentinel Events and Miscommunication What do we know in 2021: A Language and Social Psychology framework. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2022.2031451
- Turnbull, M., Wu Xiaoyan, I. Watson, B. M. (2022). The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on end-of-life workers in Hong Kong and Australia: An initial study of communication and interaction in community-based services. Communication and Medicine. 17(3), 295–306. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.19406
- Watson, B. M., Taking a Positive Psychology Perspective: A rejoinder to “Collecting Qualitative Data During a Pandemic”. Communication and Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1558/cam.19747
- Pines, R., Giles, H. & Watson, B. M. (2021) Managing Patient Aggression in Healthcare: Initial Testing of the Long-Term Value of a Communication Accommodation Theory Intervention. Language and Psychology (62-81). DOI: 10.2478/plc-2021-0004
- Leach, L., Hastings, B., Schwarz, G., Watson, B., Bouckenooghe, D., Seoane, L., & Hewett, D. (2021). Distributed leadership in healthcare: leadership dyads and the promise of improved hospital outcomes. Leadership in Health Services, 34(4), 353-374. doi:10.1108/LHS-03-2021-0011
- Rachyl Pines, Bernadette Watson & Howard Giles (2020) Managing patient aggression during registration: in preparation of implementing Affordable Care Act (ACA) 1557 intake questions, Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/17459435.2020.1836018
- Gasiorek, J., Weatherall, A., & Watson, B. (2020). Interactional Adjustment: Three Approaches in Language and Social Psychology. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 102-119. doi:10.1177/0261927x20965652
- Turnbull, M.L., Jin Y., Yau, A.H.Y., Lai, S.Y, Cheung, M. Y. C., Kwan, W.Y.W, Watson, B.M. (2020). mHealth in hyper-connected Hong Kong: Examining attitudes and access to mobile devices and health information among older Chinese residents. mHealth, 7.
- Baker, S. C., Watson, B. M., Jamieson, B., & Jamieson, R. (2020). How Do Patients Define Satisfaction? The Role of Patient Perceptions of Their Participation and Health Provider Emotional Expression. Health Communication, 1970-1979 https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2020.1808409
- Turnbull, M., Watson, B. M., Yin, Y., Lok, B. Sanderson, A (2020). Vicarious trauma, social media and recovery in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.5:102032. Doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102032
- Chevalier, B., Watson, B. M., Cottrell, N. (2020) Pharmacy students’ self-reported attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about communicating with patients over time. Pharmacy Education. doi.org/10.46542/pe.2020.201.p116-126.
- Yin Jing & Watson, B. M., Playback: Playback: (2020)An Investigation of the Discursive Implications and the Pragmatic Functions of Repetition in Traditional Chinese Medical Consultations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 39 717-737. doi.org/10.1177/0261927X20908614.
- Chevalier, B., Watson, B. M., Cottrell, N. (2020) Assessing communication behaviors of hospital pharmacists: How well do the perspectives of pharmacists, patients, and an independent observer align? Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 39 626-652. doi: 10.1177/0261927X20909867
- Baker, S. C., & Watson, B. M. (2020). Investigating the Association Between Internet Health Information Use and Patient Willingness to Communicate with Health Care Providers. Health Communication, 35(6), 716-725. doi:10.1080/10410236.2019.1584778.
- Barlow, M., Watson B., Rudolph, J. (2019). How being a great receiver can change the game in speaking up conversations. Med EdPublish, 8 [3], 55. http://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2019.000204
- Yin Jing & Watson, B. M., Playback: Playback: (In-press)An Investigation of the Discursive Implications and the Pragmatic Functions of Repetition in Traditional Chinese Medical Consultations.Journal of Language and Social Psychology. doi.org/10.1177/0261927X20908614.
- Chevalier, B., Watson, B. M., Cottrell, N.(In-press) Assessing communication behaviors of hospital pharmacists: How well do the perspectives of pharmacists, patients, and an independent observer align?Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
- Barlow M, Watson B, Rudolph J, 2019, 'How being a great Receiver can change the game in speaking up conversations ',MedEdPublish, 8, [3], 55, https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2019.000204.1
- Chevalier, B. A. M., Watson, B. M., Barras, M.A., Cottrell, W. N. & Angus, D. (2018) Using Discursis to enhance the qualitative analysis of hospital pharmacist-patient interactions. PLoS One
- Gallois, C., Watson, B. M., Giles, H. (2018). Intergroup Communication: Identities and Effective Interactions. Journal of Communication. 68(2):309-17. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqx016
- Ferndale, D., Watson, B.M and Munro, L. (2018). Online Forums and Qualitative Enquiries with d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Submitted to SAGE Research Method Cases.
- Ferndale, D. Meuter, R.F.I., Watson, B. M. and Gallois, C. (2018) ‘You don’t know what’s going on in there’: A discursive analysis of midwifery hospital consultations. Health Risk & Society. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13698575.2017.1417542
- Chevalier, B. A. M., Watson, B. M., Barras, M.A., Cottrell, W. N. & Angus, D. (2017). Hospital pharmacists’ and patients’ views about what constitutes effective communication between pharmacist and patients. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. doi:10.1111/ijpp.12423
- Chevalier BAM, Watson BM, Barras MA, Cottrell WN. (2017). Investigating strategies used by hospital pharmacists to effectively communicate with patients during medication counselling. Health Expectations. 20 (5): 1121-32. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12558
- Setchell, J., Gard, M., Jones, L. & Watson, B. M. (2017). Addressing weight stigma in physiotherapy: Development of a theory driven approach to (re)thinking weight related interactions Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 33, (8), 597-610. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2017.1328718
- Ferndale, D., Watson, B., & Munro, L. (2016). An exploration of how health professionals understand experiences of hearing loss and deafness. Critical Public Health.160, (5), 483-493. doi: 10.1353/aad.2016.0001.
- Chien, M., Sharifpour, R., Ritchie, B., & Watson, B.M. (2016). Travelers’ heath risk perceptions and protective behavior: A psychological approach. Journal of Travel Research, 56 (6), 744-59.
- Manias, E., Geddes, F., Della, P., Jones, D. Watson, B. M, Stewart-Wynn, E. (2016). Inter-hospital ‘patient expect’ calls of clinical handovers for expected patients transferred from rural to metropolitan hospitals: a retrospective clinical audit. Collegian. 23, (4), 373-382. doi: 10.1016/j.colegn.2016.02.002
- Setchell, J. Watson, B. Jones, L & Gard, M. (2016). Physical therapists’ understandings of, and beliefs about, patients who are obesity and overweight: Clinical implications. Physical Therapy, 96, (6), 865-875. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20150286
- Stevens, G., Miller, Y. Watson, B. M., Thompson, R. (2016) Choosing a model of maternity care: Decision support needs of Australian maternity care consumers. Birth. 43 (2), 167-175. doi: 10:1111/birt.12212
- Chevalier, B.A.M., Watson, B.M., Barras, M.A., Cottrell, W.N. (2016). Hospital Pharmacists' Perceptions of Medication Counselling: A Focus Group Study. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy 12, 756-771.
- Chevalier, B.A.M., Watson, B.M., Barras, M.A., Cottrell, W.N. (2016). Examining Hospital Pharmacists' Goals for Medication Counselling within the Communication Accommodation Theoretical Framework. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy 12, 747-755.
- Stevens, G., Thompson, R., Watson, B. M., Miller, Y. (2016) Patient Decision Aids in Routine Maternity Care: Benefits, Barriers, and New Opportunities. Women and Birth 29 (1), 30-34. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2015.08.002.
- Ferndale, D, Munro, L and Watson, B. M. (2016) A discourse of ‘abnormality’: Exploring discussions of people living with a deafness or hearing loss. American Annals of the Deaf. I60, 483-495.
- Manias, E., Geddes, F., Watson, B. M., Jones, D. & Della, P (In-press). Perspectives of clinical handover processes: a multi-site survey across different health professionals. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
- Baker, S. C. & Watson, B. M. (2015) Patient health care experiences and their willingness to talk. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34, 621-639. doi:10.1177/0261927X15586429.
- Baker, S.C. & Watson, B. M. (2015) Understanding the health communication process:Advancing the research agenda to improve health care interactions and patient care. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34: 599-603. doi:10.1177/0261927X15587016
- J. Setchell, L. Leach, B. M. Watson & Hewett, D. G. (2015) Impact of identity on support for new roles in health care. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34, 672-686. doi:10.1177/0261927X15586793.
- Watson, B. M., Manias, E., Geddes, F. & Della, P. (2015). An analysis of clinical handover: Miscommunication using a language and social psychology approach. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34, 687-701. doi:10.1177/0261927X15586200.
- Manias, E., Geddes, F., Watson, B. M., Jones, D. & Della, P. (2015) Communication failures during clinical handovers lead to poor patient outcomes: Lessons from a case report Sage Open Medical Case Reports.
- Setchell, J. Watson, B. Jones, L & Gard, M (2015). Weight stigma in physiotherapy practice: Insights from patient experiences of interactions with physiotherapists. Manual Therapy. 20, 835–841.
- Jones, L., Taylor, T., Watson, B. M., Fenwick, J., and Dordic, T. (2015). Negotiating care in the special care nursery: Parents’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurse-parent communication Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 30, e71-e80. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2015.03.006
- Watson, B. M., Heatley, M., Gallois, C., Kruske, S., (2015). The importance of effective communication in interprofessional practice: The perspective of maternity clinicians. Health Communication, 31, 400-407. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.960992
- Ferndale, D., Watson, B., & Munro, L. (2015). Creating Deaf-Friendly Spaces for Research: Innovating Online Qualitative Enquiries. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12 (3), 1-12.
- Heatley, M. L., Watson, B. M., Gallois, C. and Miller, Y. D. (2015 online 28 May). Women’s perceptions of communication in pregnancy and childbirth: Influences on participation and satisfaction with care. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives doi:10.1080/10810730.2015.1018587
- Watson, B. M., Angus, D., Gore, L., & Farmer, J. (2015). Communication in open disclosure conversations about adverse events in hospitals. Language & Communication, 41, 57-70. doi:10.1016/j.langcom.2014.10.013
- Hewett, D. G., Watson, B. M., & Gallois, C. (2015). Communication between hospital doctors: Underaccommodation and interpretability. Language & Communication, 41, 71-83.
- Watson, B. M., Jones, L. & Cretchley, J. (2014). Time as a key topic in health professionals’ perceptions of clinical handover. Global Qualitative Nursing Research 1, 1-11. doi:10.1177/2333393614550162. New Journal
- Hewett, D. G., Kheir, A. O., Mackrill, S., Leach, L. and Watson, B. M. (2014). A national survey of Australian endoscopists' attitudes toward nurse endoscopy. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 29 (Suppl. 2), 27.
- Setchell, J., Watson, B. M., Jones, L., Gard, M., & Briffa, K. (2014). Physiotherapists demonstrate weight stigma: A cross sectional survey of Australian physiotherapists. Journal of Physiotherapy, 60, 157-162
- Manias, E., & Watson, B. M. (2014). Moving from rhetoric to reality: Patient and family involvement in bedside handover. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 5, 1539-1541. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.08.004
- Stevens G, Thompson, R, Kruske, S, Watson, B. & Miller Y.D. (2014). What are pregnant women told about models of maternity care in Australia? A retrospective study of women’s reports. Patient Education and Counseling, 97, 114-121. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2014.07.010
- Teh, J., King, D., Watson, B., & Liu, S. (2014). Self-stigma, perceived stigma, and help-seeking communication in people with mental illness. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 11(1), 1-18. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/portal.v11i1.3295
- Ferndale, D., Watson, B. M., and Munro, L. (2013). Loss as a public health matter - why doesn’t everyone want their deafness or hearing loss cured? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37, 594-595. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12133
- Watson, B. M., Heatley, M., Kruske, S., Gallois, C. (2012). An empirical investigation into beliefs about collaborative practice among maternity care providers. Australian Health Review, 36, 466-470 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AH11104
- Angus, D, Watson, B.M., Smith, A, Gallois, C. & Wiles, J. (2012). Visualising conversation structure across time: Insights into effective doctor-patient consultations. PLoS One, 7 6: E38014.1-e38014.12.
- Jones, E. & Watson, B.M. (2012). Developments in health communication in the 21st Century. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 31, 415-436.
- Wilkinson, S. A., Miller, Y. D., & Watson, B. (2010). The effects of a woman-focussed, woman-held resource on preventive health behaviors during pregnancy: The Pregnancy Pocketbook. Women and Health, 50, 342-358.
- Hewett, D. G., Watson, B. M., Gallois, C., Ward, M., & Leggett, B. A. (2009). Intergroup communication between hospital doctors: Implications for quality of patient care. Social Science & Medicine, 69, 1732–1740.
- Wilkinson, S. A., Miller, Y. D., & Watson, B. (2009). Prevalence of health behaviours in pregnancy at service entry in a Queensland Health Service district. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health; 33, 228-33.
- Jones, L. & Watson B. M. (2009). Complex health communication: A language and social psychological perspective. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 28, 115-18.
- Hewett D.G., Watson BM, Gallois C, Ward M, Leggett BA. (2009). Communication in medical records: Intergroup language and patient care. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 28, 119-138.
- Jones, E.S., Watson, B., Gardner, J., & Gallois, C. (2004). Organizational communication: Challenges for the new century. Journal of Communication, 54, 722-750.
- Kennedy, J, Drennan, J, Renfrow, P & Watson, B. (2003). The influence of role models on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and university degree course. Queensland Review, Vol 10, 37-52
- Watson, B., & Gallois, C. (2002). Patients’ interactions with health providers: A linguistic category model approach. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 21, 32-52.
- Watson, B. & Gallois, C. (1999). Communication accommodation between patients and health professionals: Themes and strategies in satisfying and unsatisfying encounters. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9, 167-184.
- Watson, B. & Gallois, C. (1998). Nurturing communication by health professionals toward patients: A communication accommodation theory approach. Health Communication, 10, 343-355.
- Maria Brann, Jennifer Bute, Maureen Keeley-Vassberg, Sandra Petronio, *Rachyl Pines, and Bernadette Watson (Feb, 2021) Interpersonal health communication theories In Teresa Thompson and Peter J. Schulz (Eds.). Health Communication Theory (pp 68-89). NY, Wiley.
- Yau, A., Turnbull, M., Angus, D. and Watson B.M. (2020). Visualizing conversations in health care: Using Discursis to compare Cantonese and English data sets. In B. M. Watson & J. Kreiger (Eds.). Expanding Horizons in Health Communication - An Asian Perspective. Springer Publications.
- Watson, B. M., (2020) Communication accommodation theory as an intervention tool to improve interprofessional practice. In Louise Mullany (Ed). Professional Communication Consultancy, Advocacy, Activism (pp169-190). Palgrave Macmillan Publishing Company.
- Baker, S., Watson, B., & Gallois, C. (2020). Social psychology and language. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.278
- Watson, B.M. Soliz, J. (2019). CAT in Institutional Settings: Opportunities for Applied Research. In Harwood, J., Gasiorek, J., Pierson, H., NussBaum, J. F., Gallois, C. (Eds.) (2019). Language, communication, and intergroup relations: A celebration of the scholarship of Howard Giles. (242-264). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Pines, R., Watson, B. M. (Accepted) Name of chapter In Health Communication Theory, ed. by Teresa Thompson and Peter J. Schulz, Wiley
- Watson, B. M., (In press) Communication accommodation theory as an intervention tool to improve interprofessional practice. In edited book by Louise Mullany. ProfessionalCommunication:Consultancy, Advocacy,Activism. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing Company.
- Baker, S. C., Watson, B.M, & Gallois, C.). (In press). Social psychology and language. Oxford On-line Encyclopedia of Psychology.Oxford University Press.
- Watson, B.M. Soliz, J. (In Press, 2019). CAT in Institutional Settings: Opportunities for Applied Research. In Harwood, J., Gasiorek, J., Pierson, H., NussBaum, J. F., Gallois, C. (Eds.) (2019). Language, communication, and intergroup relations: A celebration of the scholarship of Howard Giles. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Jones, Liz; Watson, Bernadette (2018). “Intergroup Communication.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Ed. Patricia Moy. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Baker, S., Watson, B. M., & Gallois, C. (2017). Exploring intercultural communication problems in health care with a communication accommodation competence approach. In L Chen (Ed Intercultural communication, Volume 9 in the series, Handbooks of communication science (481-499) Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin
- Slade, D., Eggins, S., Geddes, F., Watson, B., Manias, E., Bear, J. & Pirone, C. (2016). Background: Safety, quality and communication in clinical handover: Challenges and risks. In S. Eggins, D. Slade & F. Geddes (Eds.), Effective communication in clinical handover: Research and practice (pp.5-24). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Geddes, F., Slade, D., Eggins, S., Watson, B., Manias, E., Della, P. & Jones, D. (2016). Clinicians’ voices: What healthcare professionals say about handover practice. In S. Eggins, D. Slade & F. Geddes (Eds.), Effective communication in clinical handover: Research and practice (25-42). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
- Watson, B. M., Hewett, D. G. & Jones, L. Accommodating health. (2016). In H. Giles (Ed.), Intergroup handbook (152-168). Cambridge University Press, NY: USA
- Leach, L., Watson, B. M., Hewett, D. G., Schwarz, G. M. & Gallois, C. (2016). Interprofessional conflict, collaboration and leadership in health. In H Giles and A Maass (Eds.), Advances in intergroup communication (247-265). Peter Lang Publishing
- Baker, S., Watson, B. M., & Gallois, C. Health communication. In L Chen (Ed) Handbook of intercultural communication, Volume 9 in the series, Handbooks of communication science to be published by Mouton de Gruyter.
- Ritchie, Brent W., Chien, P. Monica and Watson, Bernadette (2014). It can't happen to me: Travel risk perceptions. In Metin Kozak and Arch G. Woodside (Ed.), Tourists' behaviors and evaluations (pp. 65-73) Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S1871-317320140000009008
- Rudd, C., Carter, O., Dart, J., Gallois, C. Hewett, D., Stoddart C. Thistlethwaite, J. & Watson, B M. (2013). Creating safer health care organisations. In T. Levett-Jones (Ed.), Critical conversations for patient safety (pp. 234-243). Sydney: Pearson Australia.
- Hewett, D.G., Watson, B. M., Gallois, C. (2013). Trust, distrust and communication accommodation among hospital doctors. In C.N. Candlin & J. Crichton (Eds.), Discourses of trust (pp. 36-51). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Watson, B. M., Hewett, D. & Gallois, C. (2012). Intergroup communication and healthcare. In Howard Giles (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of intergroup communication (pp. 293-305). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Gallois, C, Watson, B. M., & Cretchley, J. (2012). Approaches and methods in intergroup communication. In Howard Giles (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of intergroup communication (pp. 36-51). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Watson, B. M., Jones, E., Hewett, D. & Gallois, C. (2012). Culture and health care: Intergroup communication and its consequences. In Jane Jackson (Ed). The Routledge handbook of intercultural communication (pp. 510-522). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Watson, B.M., & Gallois, C. (2007). Language, discourse, and communication about health and illness: Intergroup relations, role, and emotional support. In A. Weatherall, B. Watson, & C. Gallois (Eds), Language, discourse, and social psychology (pp. 108-130). Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gallois, C., Watson, B, & Brabant, M. (2007). Attitudes to language and communication. In M. Hellinger & A. Pauwels (Eds), Handbook of language and communication: Diversity and change (Vol. 9, Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 597-620). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
- Watson, B., & Gallois, C. (2004). Emotional expression as a sociolinguistic strategy: Its importance in medical interactions. In S. H. Ng, C. Y. Chiu, & C. Candlin (Eds.), Language matters: Communication, culture, and identity (pp. 63-83). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
- GRF competitive grant (2022) entitled The cultural context of moralization as a driver of health stigma in Hong Kong SAR, and Australia (HK$734, 500) (Co-Investigator).
- GRF competitive grant (2021) entitled “Normally you sit beside a bed and hold someone’s hand”: Covid-19 and end-of -life care practices in Hong Kong SAR and Australia (HK$535, 625) (Co-Investigator).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Departmental Faculty Research Grant for Outstanding Research (2021) entitled: Identifying the cultural and organizational factors that influence the negotiation of interprofessional communication, clinical handover, and staff welfare in the Emergency Department: A language and social psychology approach. (HK $500,000).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Departmental General Research Fund (2020) entitled Covid-19 and traumatic stress among frontline health and social care workers: A comparative study across Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore (HK$80,000).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dean’s Reserve (2020) Research Funding entitled PolyU 2019: Personal narratives of stress, disruption and recovery (HK$87,675).
- Griffith University (Health)/ The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (FHSS) Collaborative Research Grant Scheme (2019). Research funding entitled Lung cancer stigma in Australia and Asia. (Aust $21,000).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University VPRD’s Reserve (2019). Research funding entitled Using wireless technologies in health communication: Using mHealth to promote safety in the home amongst Hong Kong elders (HK$105,000).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dean’s Reserve (2018) Research Funding entitled Visual Analysis of Communication in Health Care: Extending Discursis Software to Cantonese Datasets (HK$105,000).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Start-Up fund from the Dean’s Reserve (2017) entitled Barriers and Facilitators in Patient Safety: Understanding the Role of Communication, Hospital Norms and Leadership in Adverse Events in Hospital Patients ($HK 500,000).
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care research project (2017) entitled Communication for Safety (C4S).
- UQ Business, Economics and Law Faculty grant towards further research with Queensland Health (2016), Towards Better Healthcare: The Impact of Intergroup Communication on Patient Safety ($5000).
- Australian Research Council Linkage grant (2011- 2013). Effective clinical handover communication: Improving patient safety, experiences and outcomes. Chief Investigator (CI) with 15 others ($700,000 over three years).
- UQ Collaboration and Industry Engagement Fund (2012). Health and Safety Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviour of Australian Outbound Travellers. (CIs Brent Ritchie, Bernadette Watson and Monica Chien - $45,000).
- Queensland Health, Clinical Safety and Quality Improvement Service, Centre for Health Care Improvement (2010 - 2011). Analysis of the Open Disclosure Training Program implemented by Queensland Health. (Watson sole CI - $30,000.)
- Queensland Health, Queensland Centre for Mothers and Babies (2009-2012). This funding of $7 million provided for a program of research, evaluation and policy development on maternal health in Queensland. (CI with Christina Lee, Yvette Miller, Rachel Thompson, and Cindy Gallois).
- Queensland Health, Southern Metro District. Investigation into Communication and Patient Safety (CAPS) (2008 -2009). (CI with Liz Jones and Peter Lee - $89,700).
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQH). Open Disclosure and Indicator Development, including 100 Patient Stories Project. Professor Rick Iedema led the successful tender for this large project commissioned by the ACSQH. It is an interstate project with academic staff from UTS, University of Melbourne, Edith Cowan University (WA), University of Queensland, University of Western Sydney, Griffith University (Qld), and Flinders University (SA). Funding for this project is administered by the University of Technology, Sydney $200,000.
- Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, Acute Care Surgery Award (2005): IT implementation and clinical handovers in acute care surgery: (CI with Schwarz, Jones, Bohle, and Low - $5,000).
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (2004-2006, APD): Understanding effective and satisfying communication between health providers and patients and its relationship with health outcomes. Sole CI, $245,000 over three years.
- Australian Research Council (Linkage grant 2003-2006): The management of information technology based organisational change (CI with Callan and Schwarz - $ 104,000 from ARC over three years)
- Australian Research Council (Linkage grant 2003-2006): Improving the retention of hospital-based registered and enrolled nurses working shift work (CI with Pisarski, Gallois, and Bohle, PI Vickerstaff - $ 165,000 over three years)
- Australian Dental Research Foundation Inc. (ADRF) – 2003: Development of communication skills in dental students (CI with Brabant, Porter and Boyle -$9.440).
- UQ New Staff Research Start-up Fund – 2002: Examining interactions between multi-disciplinary health professional groups and between health professionals and patients: An intergroup perspective. (Sole CI, - $10,000).
Invited Participation – Keynotes and Teaching
- 2020 – Invited speaker to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series - Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2019 – Keynote address (18 October) at the 16th Annual Bradac Memorial Lecture, The Department of Communication at UC Santa Barbara, Co-sponsored with Sage Publications
- 2018 – Plenary address at 2nd Singapore Healthcare Communications Seminar & Singhealth Nursing Research Day 2018. My talk was entitled Team Communication and Patient Safety.
- 2018 – Invited talk at Tuen Mun Hospital in New Territories West Cluster, Hong Kong, to frontline nurses and clinicians. My talk was entitled What Makes Clinical Handover Effective. A Review of the Findings.
- 2018 - Invited talk at Macau University, School of Communication. My talk was entitled Applying a language and social psychology framework to health communication
- 2017 – Invited speaker at the inaugural Singapore Healthcare Communications Seminar cum SingHealth nursing research day 2017. My talk was entitled Effective Communication across Health Professionals: An Intergroup Approach
- 2017 – Keynoted speaker at the International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning. I spoke on technology innovation in healthcare.
- 2016 – Invited speaker at the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) Perinatal Palliative Care Special Interest Group. My talk was on improving communication in the healthcare setting.
- 2016 - Invited speaker at the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service Clinical Handover Week to present my research on clinical handover
- 2015 – Invited speaker at the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians at The Gold Coast University Hospital in March.
- 2014 - I was invited to a scholar-to-scholar gathering in Hawaii aimed at linking postgraduate students and academics. This forum took place at the International Conference of Language and Social Psychology in June.
- 2014 - I was invited to present my work on health communication in early 2014 by Professor Lisa Sparks from Schmid College of Science and Technology, Health and Strategic Communication, Crean School of Health and Life Sciences, Chapman University, USA.
- 2013 - I was invited to teach at the 4th Association of Asian Social Psychology (AASP) Summer School in August. I taught intercultural communication in the health care setting. The invitation had a dual role of education and strengthening the collaboration between ASSP and IALSP.
- 2013 - I was an invited speaker at the 10th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychologists in Indonesia in August.
- 2012 - I was an invited keynote speaker at the International Association of Language and Social Psychology in The Netherlands in June.
- 2012 - I was invited to participate in an extended symposium at the International Communication Association in Phoenix, USA in May.
- 2011 – I was invited to speak to visiting students from the University of Georgia on their Communication/Culture/Health/Sustainability tour.
- 2011 – I was invited to present to the Queensland Health Quality and Complaints Commissioner Lunchtime Forum in Brisbane, Queensland.
- 2018 – Plenary address at 2nd Singapore Healthcare Communications Seminar & Singhealth Nursing Research Day 2018. My talk was entitled Team Communication and Patient Safety.
- 2018 – Invited talk at Tuen Mun Hospital in New Territories West Cluster, Hong Kong, to frontline nurses and clinicians. My talk was entitled What Makes Clinical Handover Effective. A Review of the Findings.
- 2018 - Invited talk at Macau University, School of Communication. My talk was entitled Applying a language and social psychology framework to health communication
- 2017 – Invited speaker at the inaugural Singapore Healthcare Communications Seminar cum SingHealth nursing research day 2017. My talk was entitled Effective Communication across Health Professionals: An Intergroup Approach
- 2017 – Keynoted speaker at the International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning. I spoke on technology innovation in healthcare.
- 2016 – Invited speaker at the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) Perinatal Palliative Care Special Interest Group. My talk was on improving communication in the healthcare setting.
- 2016 - Invited speaker at the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service Clinical Handover Week to present my research on clinical handover
- 2015 – Invited speaker at the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians at The Gold Coast University Hospital in March.
- 2014 - I was invited to a scholar-to-scholar gathering in Hawaii aimed at linking postgraduate students and academics. This forum took place at the International Conference of Language and Social Psychology in June.
- 2014 - I was invited to present my work on health communication in early 2014 by Professor Lisa Sparks from Schmid College of Science and Technology, Health and Strategic Communication, Crean School of Health and Life Sciences, Chapman University, USA.
- 2013 - I was invited to teach at the 4th Association of Asian Social Psychology (AASP) Summer School in August. I taught intercultural communication in the health care setting. The invitation had a dual role of education and strengthening the collaboration between ASSP and IALSP.
- 2013 - I was an invited speaker at the 10th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychologists in Indonesia in August.
- 2012 - I was an invited keynote speaker at the International Association of Language and Social Psychology in The Netherlands in June.
- 2012 - I was invited to participate in an extended symposium at the International Communication Association in Phoenix, USA in May.
- 2011 – I was invited to speak to visiting students from the University of Georgia on their Communication/Culture/Health/Sustainability tour.
- 2011 – I was invited to present to the Queensland Health Quality and Complaints Commissioner Lunchtime Forum in Brisbane, Queensland.
- June 2022, The 17th International Conference of Language and Social Psychology, Hong Kong.
- Organizer and Chair of an invited health symposium entitled, Diversity and Health Communication. There were 14 paper in the symposium including:
- Watson, B.M. , Wu Xiaoyan, Successful Negotiation of Healthcare System Challenges: The Power of Communication and Leadership
- Baker, S. & Watson, B . M. Exploring Communication and Roles in Health Consultations: Concept Mapping of Doctor and Patient Perspectives
- July, 2021, The 14th Biennial Conference Asian Association of Social Psychologists, Seoul,
- South Korea (virtual). Watson, B., Occhipinti, S., Jones, L., & Cheng, A. Lung Stigma in Australia, and Hong Kong.
- May, 2020, The 70th International Communication Association Conference (Australia online).
- Adverse events and miscommunication. B.M. Watson and Wu Xiaoyan I.
- June, 2019 The European Association of Social Psychologists meeting on intergroup communication , Bologna, Italy.
- Managing patient aggression in hospitals: A training of competent
- accommodation to prevent workplace violence. Pines, R., Giles, H., Watson, B.M.
- Exploring professional relationships in Hong Kong hospitals: A comparison with USA and Australian hospitals. Watson, B.M
- Effective communication between doctors and patients
- Jones, L. Sheeran, N, Watson, B. M.
- June, 2019, The 16th International Pragmatics Conference. Hong Kong
- Organised invited panel entitled: Expanding horizons in health communication: empirical and comparative studies of communication, language, and pragmatics in Asia.
- How do clinicians negotiate the delivery of good patient care? An exploration of hospital cultures and intergroup dynamics in Hong Kong, Australia, and the USA. Watson, B. M.
- June, 2018, The16th International Conference of Language and Social Psychology, Edmonton, Canada.
- Chair of Invited Symposium: Overcoming language barriers in healthcare: Towards safe and effective communication.
- Talking about risk in pregnancy: Impact of role and language in midwifery consultations. Ferndale, D., Meuter, R., Watson, B.M., Gallois, C.
- Applying communication accommodation theory to role-play for effective health communication training. Watson, B.M., Hocking, J., , Meuter, R., Tam, V., Gallois, C., Wong, J. Segalowitz, N.
- Informing me, involving me, professional, empathic- patient preferences for how their doctor communicates. Jones, L, Watson B. M., Gan, G., Barrett, D.
- May, 2018, The 68th International Communication Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
- The Role of Communication in Language.IALSP Panel: Invited discussant.
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