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Peltonen Lucas John

Peltonen Lucas John

PhD student (FT)


Chief Supervisor: Prof. Guangwei Hu 

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Arts in English Education, the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, USA; Thesis: “Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) Pedagogy in China”
  • Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  • Certifications:
    • CERT-IBET: Certificate of International Business English Teaching
    • CELTA: Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults
    • TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Research Interests

  • Applied Linguistics
  • Professional communication
  • English language teaching
  • Transcultural Communication
  • Business English
  • Pedagogy
  • Curriculum Analysis


Title of Thesis

Using a Conceptual Framework to Analyze a Business English Curriculum: A Mixed Method Intervention Design Study

Description of thesis research

My research aims to bridge the gap between current theories about modern linguacultural communication and tangible curricular implementation.  My thesis serves two main purposes:  The first purpose of this study is to design a new conceptual framework for evaluating existing Business English curricula to a) determine what competencies are already being addressed, and b) design a teaching intervention that includes adjustments, additions, and supplementations that will better prepare learners for modern, transcultural communication.  The second purpose is to test the theoretical utility of the framework in cultivating desirable linguacultural competence by executing a pedagogical intervention to enhance such competence. A mixed methods intervention design, anchored in a true experiment, will be adopted to collect qualitative and quantitative data from two groups: a control group receiving instruction on the existing curriculum and an experimental group that is exposed to the linguacultural teaching intervention in addition to the existing curriculum.  I will determine the impact and perception of the intervention and then extract principles that can be applied to other curricula.  The results of this inquiry will provide insight into how to develop Business English curricula to best prepare learners for modern, professional, transcultural communication. 


Professional Affiliations

Written Publications


  • Peltonen, L. Cultural Dimensions Revisited: Practical Steps for Interaction. TESOL Connections. October 2023.
  • Evan Frendo, Hellen Haga, Lucas Peltonen, Katrin Lichterfeld, and Virginia Lopez Girsolia. Conversations about BELF: How thinking English as a Business Lingua Franca may affect our classroom practices. JALT Business Communication Bulletin 1(1), November 2023.
  • Peltonen, L. Language and Culture in Business English Part 2. IATEFL VOICES 290. February/March 2023.
  • Peltonen, L. Strategy charts for small talk. IATEFL VOICES 285. March/April 2022.
  • Peltonen, L. A paperless Shakespearean classroom for ELLs. IATEFL VOICES 286. May/June 2022.
  • Peltonen, L. Language and Culture in Business English. IATEFL VOICES 289. November/December 2022
  • Peltonen, L., & Hu, G. (In review). Genres of communication: Do business English coursebooks meet communicative needs in the workplace?

  • Peltonen, L., & Haga, H. (In review). Navigating the theory-practice gap in business English 

  • Peltonen, L., & Hu, G. (Accepted). Addressing linguacultural competencies in business English pedagogy. ELT Journal.

  • Peltonen, L., & Ning, Z. (2025). Expressing the Home Culture in English as a Business Lingua Franca: A Glocalized Pedagogy. In N. Wright  (Ed.), Glocalising Approaches to Learning and Teaching English. Springer Nature.

  • Peltonen, L., & Hu, G. (2024). The place of linguacultural competence in business English communication: The case of a business English textbook in China. Language, Culture and Curriculum.

  • Bolton, K, Graddol, D., & Peltonen, L. (2020).  The popularity and uses of English in China today.  OASIS Summary of Bolton, K. & Graddol, D. (2012) in English Today.
  • Yao, C., & Peltonen, L. (2021). A blended learning environment improves English acquisition. OASIS summary of Yao (2019) in Australian Journal of Adult Learning
  • Imai, M., Kanero, J., Masuda, T., & Peltonen, L. (2020). Psychologists looking at the relation between language, culture and thought. OASIS Summary of Imai, Kanero, & Masuda (2016) in Current Opinion in Psychology.

Conference Presentations

  • Haga, H., and Peltonen, L. (2024). The relevance of BELF to teaching practices: A mixed methods exploratory sequential study. ELF14 Conference. September 9, 2024. Prague City University.

  • Qiu, X., and Peltonen, L. (2024). Chinese EFL learners’ performance in pragmatic assessment tasks: A comparative analysis of pragmatic and linguistic production. Hong Kong Second Language Acquisition Research Forum 2024. March 9, 2024. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). Plenary Speech: Linguaculture in Business English as a Lingua Franca: Textbook Adaptation and Classroom Implementation. 2023 Forum on English, Bilingual and EMI Education. The National Dong Hwa University of Taiwan. June 16, 2023. Virtual.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). Plenary Speech: The Place of Linguacultural Competence in a chatGPT-created curriculum. V APIBA Business English Conference. Asociacion de Profesores de Ingles de Buenos Aires, y Universidad de Belgrano. June 3, 2023. Virtual.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). Linguaculture in Business English as a Lingua Franca: Levels and Orientations – Analysis and Evaluation of Business English Textbooks. Joint Conference: Talking Across the World & Business and professional communication in a changing world. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong. May 17, 2023. Hong Kong.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). The Place of Linguacultural Competence in a Business English Textbook. The 1st Annual Education, Languages and Internationalisation Network (ELINET) Conference. The University of Glasgow. April 15, 2023. Virtual.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). Building Linguacultural Competence into a Business English Textbook. TESOL 2023 Convention. April 3, 2023. Virtual.

  • Peltonen, L. (2023). Building Linguacultural Competence into a Business English Textbook. Conversations about BELF. January 28, 2023. Virtual.

  • Peltonen, L. (2022).  Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) Pedagogy in Asia: Taking a Deep Dive into a Business English Textbook Unit. 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. February 18, 2022. Virtual.


  • Guangdong Experimental High School, Guangzhou, China (Aug 2021 to 2022)

    Business Foundations, SSAP Department

    • Combine improving English language competency along with building subject knowledge, analytical ability, and academic skills.
  • Wall Street English, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (July 2017 to July 2021)

    Senior Teacher & Project Consultant, VVIP Department

    • Develop course curricula and offer Business English training to Guangzhou’s largest firms: HSBC, Maersk Shipping, China Southern Power Grid, L’Oreal, GAC, Capgemini, eFund Asset Management, etc.
  • Neusoft Institute Guangdong, Foshan, Guangdong, China (Aug 2016 to July 2017)

    Business English and Culture Teacher, English Department

    • Introduce concepts of Business English as well as western culture to Sophomore English majors and non-majors.


  • The English-Speaking Union

    Volunteer English Tutor, New York, NY, Oct 2013 to March 2014

  • The International Center

    Volunteer English Tutor, New York, NY, June 2011 to June 2012

  • WorldTeach

    Volunteer Teacher, Hunan Province, China, June 2010 to Aug 2010

  • English in Action

    Volunteer English Tutor, El Jebel, CO, June 2008 to June 2010


Research Activities

Recognised Student and Co-Author                       January 2025 – Present
Host institution: The University of Oxford, Department of Education
Supervisor: Professor Heath Rose

  • Co-authoring the research article: Linguacultural competence in business English communication: A mixed methods intervention design study

Research Assistant and Co-Author                         Sept 2023 - Present
Funding Body: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of English Start-up Fund for New Recruits (2023-2025)
Title: Exploring task-based second language assessment in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication: An exploratory study 
Principal Investigator: Dr. Xuyan Qiu

  • Co-authoring the research article: The impact of power-distance-imposition degree and task type on EFL learners’ pragmatic and linguistic production in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication.

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships

  • PolyU PhD Scholars International Collaborative Research Fellowship. (July 2024)

“PolyU PhD Scholars is a prestigious fellowship that offers a competitive grant to support outstanding PhD students to conduct international collaborative research at top-notch global universities.” This award was granted for a research project to be conducted at the University of Oxford with Professor Heath Rose.

  • PolyU Research Student Attachment Programme. (July 2024)

“Through Research Student Attachment Programme, the Graduate School of PolyU supports attachment studies both to/from leading institutions worldwide.” This award was granted for a research project to be conducted at the University of Oxford with Professor Heath Rose.

  • Excellence Prize (Nov 2019)

National: The Fifth Foreign Language Mini-Class Competition of the National University Teaching Creativity and Innovation Competition of China: Our Lesson: “Political Correctness with Peppa Pig.” Collaborated with Ning ZiDan of Neusoft Institute Guangdong.

  • First Prize (Oct 2019)

Guangdong Province: The Fifth Foreign Language Mini-Class Competition of the National University Teaching Creativity and Innovation Competition of China: Our Lesson: “Political Correctness with Peppa Pig.”  Collaborated with Ning ZiDan of Neusoft Institute Guangdong.

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