Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
戲劇社會教育之功效及藝術本質之思辨──民國初年戲劇改良劇作家韓補庵的戲劇觀及其編劇理論: Discernment of the nature of theater art—The theatrical Views of Early Republican Playwright Han Buan and His Playwriting Theory
Department of Chinese History and Culture
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
如何定义翻译? ———对翻译概念的反思与重构
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
“These findings are very astonishing”: Hyping of disciplinary research in 3MT presentations and thesis abstracts
Department of English and Communication
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Publishing in predatory language and linguistics journals: Authors’ experiences and motivations
Department of English and Communication
‘This made me feel honoured’: a participatory action research on using process drama in English language education with ethics of care
Department of English and Communication
Processing of acoustic and phonological information of lexical tones at pre-attentive and attentive stages
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
‘Mask must wear at all times’: top-down and bottom-up multilingual COVID-scape in Hong Kong as a prime site of epidemiological and public health knowledge (re)construction during the COVID-19 pandemic
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies