Are cleft sentence structures more difficult to process?
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Linguacultural competence in business English communication: the case of a business English textbook in China
Department of English and Communication
Liminal spaces and Hong Kong: Metaphors of crisis and identity
Department of English and Communication
"Let's ride this out together": Unpacking multilingual top-down and bottom-up pandemic communication evidenced in Singapore’s Coronavirus-related linguistic and semiotic landscape
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Le Petit Prince Hong Kong (LPPHK): Naturalistic fMRI and EEG data from older Cantonese speakers
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Interactional metadiscourse in translated and non-translated medical research article abstracts: a corpus-assisted study
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Institutional policies on plagiarism management: A comparison of universities in mainland China and Hong Kong
Department of English and Communication
Infusing patriotism in popular culture: the multimodal construction of patriotic values in a Chinese main melody film
Department of English and Communication
Incorporating cross-linguistic and time-based dimensions to Critical Metaphor Analysis: a specialised hands-on analytical approach
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Ideologies of teachers and students towards meso-level English-medium instruction policy and translanguaging in the STEM classroom at a Malaysian university
Department of English and Communication