Hearing emotion in two languages: A pupillometry study of Cantonese–Mandarin bilinguals’ perception of affective cognates in L1 and L2
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Grounding the Global: Pathways to Elucidating Tensions in Chinese Contemporary Art
Department of Chinese History and Culture
Gig economy teaching: On the importance and dangers of self-branding in online markets
Department of English and Communication
From "within" to "beyond" in interpreting studies: Conceptualizing interpreting as a socio-political and historical shaping force and a source of inter/trans-disciplinary conviviality
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
From the other side of the desk: Supervisors’ perceptions of supervisory feedback
Department of English and Communication
From garbage to COVID-19: theorizing 'Multilingual Commanding Urgency' in the linguistic landscape
Department of English and Communication
From eye movements to scanpath networks: A method for studying individual differences in expository text reading
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Framing responsibilities for climate change in Chinese and American newspapers
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Framing Covid-19 reporting in the Macau Daily News using metaphors and gain/loss prospects: a war for collective gains
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Figurativeness Matters in the Second Language Processing of Collocations: Evidence From a Self-Paced Reading Experiment
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies